Sunglasses are associated with summer, sun, and the sea, among other things. And what are those other things? Well, it should be hiking. If you forgot a pair of quality sunglasses for a hiking adventure you could find yourself in a lot of trouble. Many uphill battles tied to this activity are almost impossible if you don’t have viable eye protection. The people who don’t know this are usually rookies. For some, this is a lesson learned the hard way. But, it doesn’t have to be like that. Let us help you.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a pro hiker going on your fiftieth hike, or you’re a rookie only trying to reach the top of your closest hill. One thing ties you both – the need for quality eyewear. Good sunglasses are equally needed as pair of reliable boots. We’re not exaggerating anything here, trust us. If we were we wouldn’t be writing this article. This piece of text is here to aid you in selecting the best sunglasses that the world of hiking has to offer. You can use them for other opportunities it’s not like we have anything against that.
But, as our title suggests we’ll be focusing on the four best-hiking sunglasses for outdoor adventures in 2023. As you can probably guess we are talking about polarized sunglasses such can be found at if you want to start the selection process even before you read our article. If this is your choice it’s fine by us, but take some free time and dedicate it to finishing this article. Check out what we have to offer to you. Whether you’re an experienced outdoor venturer or a rookie looking for your first adventure, we can be of help. Read and find out.
1. Smith Lowdown 2

Our number one is number two. Joking aside this is a jackpot in this domain. If you want style and utility combined this is where you’ll find it. This is the eyewear every traveler needs to have tied to his backpack. Smith lenses are a classic and the number two of Lowdown is just the latest iteration. What you’ll notice straight away is the modern take on what’s regarded as a classic, tied with inevitable tech developments. The frames are not there to limit your imagination and they come in a variety of colors. The lenses are what make the difference and we’re talking about the ChromaPop version.
You’ll find the special touch in the nose region thanks to the MEGOL nose pads you will not be facing itches or sweat issues. All of this combined will make you want to wear them even while you’re sleeping. Not, let’s move to the tech side of these glasses. Are you familiar with the term hydrophobic? Regarding these glasses, it means that they’ll repel grease and water alike. But, what you’ll love the most considering how hiking can wear and tear your equipment is that they’re created using anti-scratch technology. You could stop reading this piece right now and no mistake would be made. But, keep on reading as tastes differ and the beauty is in the eye of he who observes.
2. Abaco Polarized

Where reason meets the needs. If you’re looking for a fair-priced pair of sunglasses this is it. This brand enjoys surprising its customers with good deals on high-quality products. If you’re new to hiking and not sure how to select the right eyewear, this is a great starting position. You’ll make o mistake by choosing these. Abaco offers protection all year round. It’s sun – fine. It’s cloudy – that’s fine too. Do you know what else is fine? Their customization options. Considering you’re not a professional, you could even select non-polarized lenses.
Yes, even that can be selected and deselected. Thanks to their 2mm polycarbonate lenses you’ll receive full UV protection. In this department, they’ll offer durability but probably not as much as our first selection. They’re also built using anti-scratch tech combined with the Adventure proof technology. But, the secret of their durability doesn’t lie in these facts. No, it is in their lifelong warranty. They’ll fix your glasses even if the damage was created your fault. It’s hard to top this, let’s be honest.
3. Knockaround Premiums Sport Sunglasses

When it comes to eyewear and protection no one loves to throw the term premium around. Knockaround would never do this, especially at the price they’re distributed. The company was launched more than a decade and a half ago, and in that timeframe, it made a name for itself by being a valuable item, dependable, and of course, made with style. Their name says it all. You won’t b sorry if they get knocked around, but you’ll love every second of wearing them thanks to their great feel when wearing and the number of options they offer. These glasses will probably suffer from wear and tear as any other pair would, but these take pride in their durability. These come at a fair price, but also with extreme UV protection, which is not what some of the counterparts could say for themselves.
4. Oakley Flak 2.0 XL

If outdoor is where you feel at home, these glasses feel the same way on your face towering above your nose protecting your eyes. Even if you’re an extreme athlete who practices hiking in a harsh environment, these will not fall off thanks to their rubber properties. They come with a variety of options at the lens position with the choice of selecting the polarized lenses or the Prizm ones lying to you. You’ll be thrilled to hear that their lenses are made out of Plutonite. Yes, it’s cool as it sounds. This translates to maximum protection for your eyes.
The special edition even comes with touches of iridium, which makes it even more glare resistant. Their lightweight design and rubber parts ensure that they’ll stick to your head no matter what. This is what makes them perfect for any conditions. They’re reliable and fit on everyone like a rubber glove. On the downside, you might not like the size of the lenses. Many users deem them as being too big. But this is a personal preference. We do not have any issue with the size of Oakley’s lenses.