6 Tips for Choosing A Backpack For Hiking – 2023 Guide

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Written by Dion Badillo

Hiking is an amazing activity that will allow you not only to focus on the exercise, but also to experience new things, enjoy the beautiful nature, and even improve your special life. Millions of people around the world enjoy this activity, and some of us choose to go on longer adventures, while others prefer shorter hikes that could be finished in a day.

If you are the type of person who loves to spend several days in nature, and if you want a bigger challenge, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we are going to talk to you about one of the most important types of equipment that you will need for your activity. Keep on reading if you want to know how to choose the best backpack for your adventure, what you need to know about these items, and how the item will affect your adventure.

1. What do you want to use it for?

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The first thing you need to think about is what your hiking habits are, and what you want to use the backpack for. Think if you usually go on longer adventures, if you need to pack a lot of things in it, or if you are carrying it just for the essentials. Think of what you want to get out of it, if you need any additional features, if you want to go on winter travels, and if durability is crucial for you.

You should also consider the number of people you are going to carry the stuff for. If you are going on an adventure alone, you won’t need an item that is too big, but if you need to pack things for your family or children, you need something that will be up for the task.

2. Size matters

When picking the best backpack for your needs, you should know that size definitely matters. Some models can be as small as 20 liters, while others can be 80 liters or even bigger. Depending on the type you pick, you will be able to carry pretty much anything you want, or you will be forced to pack lightly.

Some manufacturers will put a belt on the product so that when you fill it up with things, it will take some strain off your back. Consider all the additional features that come with a larger model so that you can make the experience as enjoyable for you as possible.

3. The fit is crucial

When choosing the right unit for you, you need to check the fit. Some of the models may be recommended by a lot of people, but they also may not work for you. Because of this, you should steer away from getting a model without trying it on.

You should not worry about trying it on, walking around the store with it, and just checking if you feel comfortable with it. Note that you will be spending a lot of time with that item on your back, and it should never feel too tight, too loose, or like it is pinching you anywhere.

According to Hikerology, you can find some amazing models that won’t cost you a lot, so you should not focus just on the price. Think about what you want, how it feels, and how the fit is.

4. Always choose a specialized store

Another thing that you really need to think about is the place where you are going to purchase the product. Know that you should be looking for specialized shops because they are going to offer models that are for this specific purpose.

Yes, chances are, they are going to be a bit more expensive, but it is far better to invest in quality and in something that will serve you for a long time than to purchase a mediocre item that is going to break after the first hike.

5. Additional features

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Depending on the model you choose, you can get a lot of additional features that are going to make the experience better. There are a lot of different types of belts and straps that you can get, and they are going to take a lot of strain off your back. You won’t feel like you are carrying the weight of the world, and you won’t get easily tired.

You should consider and look at all the compartments and pockets that come with the model, and you should check for a specialized sleeping bag compartment. Check for a rain cover, hydration pocket, as well as compatibility for other items you may need, including the ski or the board compartment.

6. Consider all the types

There are many different types of backpacks that you can choose from and know that you should do your research on the available models and what their pros and cons are.

The most popular type is the weekend one, and this one should be enough if you are staying somewhere for up to three days. Know that these are smaller in size, lighter, and they are much better for your back.

The second model you can choose is the multiday one and you can go up to five days or even a week with them, depending on your packing habits. These models are usually bigger, with more features, and they are more comfortable.

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The last model you can pick is the extended one, and you can use it for more than one week, again, depending on the exact item you pick. They are great for winter hikes, they are comfortable, and they are also great for families that need to pack everything in one backpack.

These are some of the things you should be paying attention to when choosing the right backpack for your hiking adventure. Know that you don’t have to buy the most expensive product on the market, and you are not required to go with brand names. Look for something durable, something that works for you, and something that is recommended by other hikers. Talk to the seller and ask them for recommendations depending on your habits, needs, and desires. Take your time, and don’t rush when making this decision.



Dion Badillo


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