
5 Packing Tips and Tricks for Your First Overnight Hike

Written by Wendy Tucker

Hiking is an extremely healthy activity that we should all practice from time to time. Whenever you do not know what to do during the weekend, this can be an amazing option. Indeed, you will feel tired when you start spending your free time this way. However, sooner or later, your cardio will improve and you will have enough strength to pass long trails.

Yet, are you an adventurous type of person? If the answer to that question is “yes”, then there is one tip we would like to share with you. Have you ever tried to hike overnight? At first, a suggestion like that may seem scary or extreme. This especially counts if you are going to places far away from your home. However, if you ask people that already tried this, they will tell you it is the most memorable experience they have ever had.

Of course, it is not recommendable that complete beginners go overnight hiking. It is much better to try out to hike between 5 and 10 times during the day before you decide on this move. When you get the necessary experience and start feeling confident in your skills, you will know it is the right moment to do it!

However, you also need to have good equipment that will allow you to hike overnight. Everything from the led headlamp and led flashlight to appropriate clothing, food, and shelter can be quite helpful. That is the reason why we would like to share some tips and tricks and create a list of essentials you should bring. Let’s find them out together!

1. For Starters, Pick the Right Clothes


The appropriate clothes are not always going to be the same. It directly depends on the time of the year when you plan to hike and where you plan to hike. During the summer, temperatures on mountains also go down, but these are not too cold moments. Wearing unnecessary clothes will only make you feel comfortable while hiking.

It is recommendable that you wear extra socks as it main happens that your legs get wet. Focus on those that are made of wool as cotton may not satisfy your needs. On the other hand, polypropylene long underwear can also be a good choice. They are extremely lightweight, but they will keep the temperature of your body.

2. Flashlight – Don’t Forget One!

Beginners often make a common mistake. They believe that flashlights from their smartphone can help. For starts, that form of light is not strong enough. On the other hand, can you guarantee the battery will last for the entire night? What would happen if you stay out of light in the middle of nowhere?

If you do not want to bring big flashlights, a pocket flashlight that you can find on websites such as may be a better choice. On the other hand, it also depends on how you would like to light the trial. Some people would rather use led flashlights while others would decide on led headlamps.

As mentioned, your smartphone is not going to help as the battery won’t last for the entire night. That is the reason why you should put into consideration a rechargeable EDC flashlight or any other model that can ensure you have the necessary light all the time. Check out the link we attached and try to find an option that meets all your requirements and expectations.

3. You Need Some Sort of Shelter As Well


It doesn’t matter how often you are hiking. You and the people you hike with will need to take a break at some moment. Despite that, the worst-case scenario would be that rain starts to fall. In both cases, you will need to create some sort of shelter where you will rest or hide.

Bringing millions of stuff with yourself will make your hiking uncomfortable. Instead of that, you should look for practical solutions. You can, for instance, bring a small tent. Have you ever heard about a one-man mummy tent? The name itself suggests how people should use it and can be good protection against bugs and other insects.

Despite that, if you would want to sleep during the night after you reach your location, a sleeping pad and sleeping bag are the right thing. You may need to use the rechargeable EDC flashlight that we mentioned to set up the shelter. However, something like that is not going to be a big problem, especially if you have experience with hiking or even camping.

4. What Are You Going to Eat?


A good shelter, clothes, and EDC flashlight are going to be quite helpful. However, they are not going to give you the necessary energy to end your journey. That is the reason why you need to plan your meals before your hiking journey even starts.

We do not know how long you plan to hike. Some people spend only one night while others organize an adventure for a couple of days. Anyway, you need to ensure that breakfast and dinner are cookable while lunch is cold. The good thing is that many stores will offer you a ready-to-eat meal. All you will have to do is to add hot water and that’s it!

On the other hand, you need to put into consideration the temperature you will deal with. If the temperature is too cold, you need to prepare a cup for the hot drinks. For instance, drinking a cup of tea when you feel cold can be quite useful thing.

5. Finally – Bring Enough Water


Food and water are equally important. You need to hydrate your organism in order to remain strong until the very end. Fortunately, there are two options that you can use.
One option that you have is to pack the necessary amount of water in some form of container. However, this can be pretty heavy to bring, especially if you plan to hike for a couple of days. That is the reason why water filters can be a better choice. They will clean the water you can find in nature and ensure the necessary hydration.


Wendy Tucker


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