Would you agree that being prepared is key to a serious hiker, and the most important thing is clothes? Will you need proper clothing to get you through your hiking? Some money needs to be invested for you to enjoy your favorite activity. This is not just apparel for hiking as you can use it every day. It is a huge advantage as you will be able to go hiking anytime that you wish.
Rain might be a problem for some hikers as you will need the proper attire for this kind of weather. You do not need to worry as we will present you with all facts that you need to know about choosing the best waterproof jacket. If you are not dry, then you will need to bring more clothes.
We have a perfect solution for you, and you will like it as it is going to be used very often. Purchasing a waterproof jacket will resolve all of the problems that you have concerning your struggle to keep your upper part of the body dry and warm. You might have tried to purchase an ordinary jacket, but you need to be aware that these won’t help you much during your hiking trip.
It will be warm and cozy for you, and what is more important there won’t be a single chance that you will get wet. Picking up a beautiful, waterproof jacket that was exclusively made for hiking will surely serve you well. We had found the best bargains and the top notch waterproof jackets just for you, but before we get to that part, you should get more familiar with which features are the most important ones to look for when buying a waterproof jacket.
Our Top Picks
Product Name | Weight | Material | Dimensions | Specific Features | Price |
POC AVIP | 1.3 lb | Polyester | 13 x 13 x 2 inches | DVR coating, laser perforations | Check price on Amazon |
Giro Neo | 0.8 lb | Polartec NeoShell | 15 x 12 x 4 inches | Neoshell material, lightweight | Check price on Amazon |
Canada Goose Brunswick Anorak | 1.1 lb | Polyester | 16 x 13 x 2 inches | Anorak shell, extra coverage | Check price on Amazon |
Marmot 41200 | 0.8 lb | Polyester | 26 x 17 x 2 inches | Easy fastening, outer storm pocket | Check price on Amazon |
Marmot Super Mica | 1 lb | Polyester | 23 x 15 x 4 inches | Unique fabric, light moving | Check price on Amazon |
Mountain Hardwear Plasmic Ion | 0.71 lb | Polyester | 16 x 14 x 2 inches | Dry Q EVAP, 70D fabric | Check price on Amazon |
Outdoor Research Women’s Helium II | 0.34 lb | Polyester | 21 x 10 x 5 inches | Ultralight | Check price on Amazon |
Things to Consider Before Buying
There is more than one thing to know when you are buying a new waterproof jacket. Finding your right choice won’t be an easy task, but we are here to help. You will need to know more about the features that determine the overall quality of a jacket.
Knowing more will provide you with the possibility of getting a waterproof jacket that suits you right. Feel protected and enjoy in your free time. As mentioned earlier, we will present to you the most relevant features for a waterproof jacket.
Waterproof jackets come in all colors and sizes, so you need to determine the size that is going to be the most suitable for your hiking adventure. Shorter jackets are appropriate for autumn or spring while longer ones are appropriate for winter. You can wear the shorter one during the winter too, if you put on some extra clothes under it.
Longer jackets are heavier so if you want to feel lighter, then you will need to choose a shorter waterproof jacket. It is evident that the longer waterproof jacket will provide more protection, so it is up to you to weigh pros and cons.
The weight of the waterproof jacket is also an important factor to consider when buying them. On your adventures, you already have more than enough load to carry. You do not want something else slowing you down. A waterproof jacket should be as lightweight as possible and not heavy.
A lightweight jacket will help you in covering more ground faster than a heavy jacket. So, you should always aim for a lightweight jacket you want to buy one.
Choosing a material is important as there is a big decision that needs to be made. If you are looking for quality and comfort or if you believe that newer materials are better or the other way around; it is up to you to pick the material of your dreams.
You need to be sure that the material corresponds to the money that you have invested in the product. Every material that was used in the production of these jackets is waterproof. The only difference is that various materials are used, and some of them can be adequate for you.
The comfort of a waterproof jacket is imperative. The jacket you are purchasing must be comfortable when you put it on. For hunting purposes, you don’t want to go to the wild feeling comfortable as it will take you off your game. You need focus on your hunting trips.
Therefore, you don’t want to concentrate on the comfortability of what you put on right? So, comfort is a major factor in choosing that jacket of your choice.
Waterproof rating
It is all about the waterproof capacity of these jackets, so this is the most important feature. It is evident that you will need the jacket that has the best waterproof rating. The question is if you are willing to spend more money to get it. You have to base your decision on your hiking habits and let them lead you to the right choice.
Top Products on the Market
Some jackets sell for several hundred dollars, but you simply don’t have to spend that much money to acquire a quality tool that will last you a long time. Most of the jackets in this review are affordable even to the little salary earner! And now that you know what you are looking for in a waterproof jacket, you should have an easier time deciding which to purchase, and which of them should go on your wish list!
Poc Avip 
Price: Approx. $290
Weight: 1.3 pounds
Dimensions: 13 x 13 x 2 inches
Specific features: DVR coating, laser perforations
Best use: Camping, hiking
Description: Hiking during the worst storm or downpour won’t be a problem anymore as you will be wearing POC AVIP Rain Jacket.
You will not have to run back home as there is some heavy rain. POC AVIP is perfect for this kind of weather, and you will be satisfied that you had picked a rainy day to go hiking. You might have kept your hopes up for this jacket, and you won’t be disappointed.
POC AVIP does not have just the one layer protection, but three layers so you can be sure that you are going to be dry. It is made of (100 %) that as previously mentioned has three layers. DWR coating is added for better protection against the rain.
If you have been watching a weather forecast, then you are familiar with the term water rating. POC AVIP has a water rating of 10 000 mm which means that you will stay warm and dry during the big storm.
This jacket features a unique type of ventilation that is called laser perforations that will keep you free from moisture and cold. It reaches your hip, and the color of the jacket is orange. If you are looking for comfort and style, then you will be pleased to know that POC AVIP is slim.
- Comfortable
- Breathable
- Excellent ventilation
- Waterproof
- Keeps you dry through your adventures
- Lightweight
- The jacket is fully seam-sealed
- Durable
- Easy to use
- Warm
- Expensive
Related: If you intend to use this jacket for sports activities like bike racing, you should consider getting this bike helmet by Techtal, to protect your head from unforeseen accidents.
Giro Neo 
Price: Approx. $80
Weight: 0.8 pounds
Dimensions: 15 x 12 x 4 inches
Specific features: Neoshell, light
Best use: Hiking, cycling
Description: A lot of jackets that are made for rainy weather and hiking do not feel natural, and you are having more issues when you are wearing them as they are not suitable. Giro Neo is a rain jacket that’s the right opposite as you can wear it in different weather conditions.
This is very useful for hiking as you will be able to wear Gira Neo Rain Jacket on your multiple hiking trips. Trying hard to get a perfect material for a rain jacket had worked great for the Giro. The Giro Neo Rain Jacket is made of this great high tech material called Polartec Neoshell. It is a known fact that the Polartec lives up to its name as you will be protected from both cold and rain.
You might be passing through some tough terrain, but don’t worry; you will not tear something as seams are taped. It might seem a bit obvious, but the fit of this jacket is athletic, and the color is lime green. The only disadvantage is that there is no hood.
- Comfortable
- Great ventilation
- Waterproof
- Lightweight
- Durable
- Easy to use
- Warm
- Breathable
- For women only
Related: This POC Index Air Gloves is perfect for keeping out cold from your hands. The gloves give your hands enough warmth even in the extreme cold conditions.
Canada Goose Brunswick Anorak 
Price: Approx. $150
Weight: 1.1 pounds
Dimensions: 16 x 13 x 2 inches
Specific features: Anorak shell, extra coverage
Best use: Hiking, trailing
Description: You will be moving forward with this unique jacket that will make your hiking when it is raining as pleasurable as possible. The Canada Goose Brunswick Anorak is a step towards the perfect combination of high-quality materials and unique features that make this jacket so special.
Canada Goose Brunswick is an entirely waterproof vest that will keep you safe from any harm that is done by rain. The jacket is made of anorak shell, and it has magnetic sleeves and hood, so it is straightforward to get them off. This makes this model into one thick jacket that will stop every drop of rain and let you continue the hiking.
You will get extra coverage and do not worry that someone will not see you as this jacket is super visible. Also, it is water-resistant, and you will feel comfortable. The best thing is that it covers most of your body so that you will be safe from rain.
- Breathable
- Comfortable
- Great ventilation
- Waterproof
- Keeps you dry through your adventures
- The jacket is fully seam-sealed
- Durable
- Easy to use
- Anorak shell with removable magnet closure sleeves and hood to create a one-piece vest
- A bit heavy compared to the other products in this review
Related: For bikers, these POC TTR4 Bike Shorts go well with almost all the jackets in this review. You should consider getting one for yourself.
Marmot Men’s PreCip Jacket

Price: Approx. $80
Weight: 0.8 pounds
Dimensions: 26 x 17 x 2 inches
Specific features: Easy fastening, outer storm pocket
Best use: Hiking, camping
Description: If you want to be a real man and a real hiker, then you will need a jacket that can take you through the thick and thin or in this case a heavy rain.
There is a jacket just like that, and it is called Marmot Men’s PreCip Jacket. Hiking is your passion, and you have to get the proper clothes. The Marmot Precip Jacket is made for rain, and it has that classic look.
The Marmot Precip Jacket is fully made of nylon, so the rain will just slide off. This makes it very waterproof rating is 15 000mm. It has a zipper closure that is combined with taped seams. This enables it to last longer and helps with keeping you dry. Marmot Precip Jacket has a conventional design that goes with all other outfits.
The outer storm pocket will serve you well for storing a wallet. The only setback is that you will have to be a bit careful with this jacket. That won’t be a problem if you are not hiking through the wooded areas.
- Comfortable
- Breathable
- Great ventilation
- Waterproof
- Keeps you dry
- Lightweight
- Durable
- Easy to use
- Warm
- Too large
Related: If you intend to use this jacket for outdoor sports, you should try and get this POC VPD 2.0 Knee Pad to protect your knee from injuries.
Marmot Super Mica 
Price: Approx. $235
Weight: 1 pound
Dimensions: 23 x 15 x 4 inches
Specific features: Unique fabric, light moving
Best use: Camping, hiking
Description: The Marmot Super Mica Jacket is not just a regular jacket that you can wear during the rainy weather. It is a lot more. You will have such an easy time on your hiking trip as this jacket will provide all the protection that you have needed.
There is a lot of unique features that are used to manufacture a jacket that will last forever and be your choice when you decide to go hiking. You won’t be able to find this type of fabric easily as NanoPro MemBrain is a unique material that will give you the maximum comfort and protection.
Every inch of Marmot Super Mica Jacket is waterproof so be sure that you won’t be having a problem. Zippers and pocket are waterproof. Your stuff will be extra safe from the rain.
It is micro-stitched so that you can expect the highest quality. You are going to feel light, and you will move easily with the trademarked Angel –Wing Movement. Give it a try and experience all these latest features.
- Comfortable
- Breathable fabric
- Micro-stitched and 100% seam taped
- Water resistant zippers
- Keeps you dry through your adventures
- Lightweight
- The jacket is fully seam-sealed
- Durable
- Easy to use
- Warm
- The hood adjustment breaks easily
Related: You don’t want to be left behind when you are in a competition right? This Topeak D2 smart guage can come in handy on your adventures.
Mountain Hardwear Plasmic Ion 
Price: Approx. $120
Weight: 0.71 pounds
Dimensions: 16 x 14 x 2 inches
Specific features: Dry Q EVAP, 70D fabric
Best use: Backpacking, hiking
Description: Tough situations require a strong response, and the best response that you can give is checking out Mountain Hardwear Plasmic Ion. This model can be used in everyday hiking, so you will be able to wear it whenever you like it.
That is the biggest priority for a casual hiker. Casual hikers will find Mountain Hardwear perfectly suitable for their hiking needs.
If you are looking for more breathing space, then you will be delighted that there is Dry Q Evap technology. Evaporation is faster, so you will feel much better when you are hiking. The material that was used is called 70 D, and as mentioned earlier, it is tough and very durable.
There are multiple zips, so this is perfect for hikers who love to carry a lot of small stuff with them. The design is simple, and you will not have any unnecessary thing on this jacket. Mountain Hardwear Ion Jacket is made in a foreign country. Wearing fewer clothes under this jacket is recommended. If it bothers you, then you might have to reconsider it.
- Comfortable
- Breathable
- Excellent ventilation
- Waterproof and abrasion resistant
- Lightweight
- The jacket is fully seam-sealed
- Durable
- It comes with two zippered handwarmer pockets
- Easy to use
- Warm
- The pockets are not usable
- The hood seems to be too big for most people
Related: This Topeak 20 Pro Mini Tool is useful in many ways, especially for hikers. It comes with several tools you can use for different situations.
Outdoor Research Helium II 
Price: Approx. $150
Weight: 0.34 pounds
Dimensions: 21 x 10 x 5 inches
Specific features: Ultralight
Best use: Hiking, trailing
Description: Traveling light has always been a big advantage, and we are talking about hiking then that advantage becomes even more important. The Outdoor Research Helium II is an ultra lightweight jacket that works perfectly with hikers who are not fans of wearing some huge jacket that is not helpful.
This jacket is both simple and complex, and that makes it a great choice. Not a single drop will penetrate the Outdoor Research Helium II Jacket as it is completely waterproof and it is made of trademarked Pertex Shield Plus fabric.
A very light jacket will help you feel more comfortable while a heavy jacket will make you uncomfortable and it will not be the feeling like something is bloated. The jacket that is all natural outdoor is an awesome apparel for hiking during the rain.
You won’t be getting too many pockets as this jacket has one chest pocket that can be zipped and it has webbing. It has an adjustable hood which is a huge advantage. The only setback is that the jacket only has one pocket, so you will need to carry a rucksack.
- Comfortable
- Breathable
- Great ventilation
- Waterproof
- Keeps you dry through your adventures
- Lightweight
- The jacket is fully seam-sealed
- Durable
- Easy to use
- Warm
- Not too many pockets
Related: When you are on an outdoor adventure, one of the vital things that must be with you, should be this Osprey Raptor 14 Hydration Pack. It comes in handy when you need to drink water on your adventure.
Wrapping it up
You have reached the end of our article and by now, you realized that finding a jacket that is suitable for your hiking style is not easy. Now, you know that you need to be very careful as there is a budget that you might have to follow. Be sure that you have read and found out everything that you needed and wanted to know about your pick.
Once you’ve decided which features are important to you, browse through our reviewed products once more and make the right choice. Whether your final choice lands on the Outdoor Research Helium 2 because of its lightweight or waterproofness, or perhaps the Marmot Super Mica because of its unique fabric and light moving, or any other model that suits your needs, you will not make a mistake.
We hope that we had helped you and that we were able to make your job easier. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for reading!
If you are looking to elevate your cold-weather wardrobe, pick a jacket for the winter season that protects from all the elements, while adding a luxurious finishing touch as well. Hands down!
That’s correct John and I do hope you’ve picked a waterproof jacket from the list? For me, I go for quality and I don’t skimp on it either. Being protected from the cold and rain is crucial. So I make sure to check the materials used and the manufacturer who made these. As I often say, investing in quality products is cost-effective in the long run.
I just recently discovered Mountain Hardwear backpacking gear and it is fast becoming one of my favorite brands. I own their Plasmic Ion Jacket in yellow (yes I wanted something bright and vibrant for the cold days) and it is my best jacket. It has kept me dry and warm on many rainy days.
Hi Mark and thanks for sharing with us your experience with the product. This product is made for tough weather conditions. I love the feel of the material and the style is perfect! It also employs the latest technology called the DryQ so it dries in no time at all.