Camping Breakfast Ideas: Wake Up Your Senses

Dish Cooking on Black Non Stick Pan on a Burner
Written by Kane Dane

Camping is a fun activity that requires adjusting every aspect of your daily life. However, it is good to live in an improvised accommodation when it means being close to the nature. It allows you to relax your mind and spirit and enjoy your stay with what nature has to offer.

Now, once we have successfully set up the campsite and looked around, it is next to gather around the fire and make something delicious to eat. That said, we are here to provide some excellent camping breakfast ideas, so that you can relax in the morning and have everything figured out. And the most important thing is that the suggested camping breakfast recipes are as easy to make as they are delicious to eat.

Brown Bread on the Table

Making food in nature often required a lot of improvisation and it helps if you have knowledge about the plants and herbs disposable at walking distance. Herbs that you can find in nature are a great way to spice up those meals and make them as tasty as a professional chef’s meal. It is interesting to mention that in our suggested camping breakfast recipes we have included drinks and practical advices that will boost your immune system and make you feel incredible.

Campfire Bacon from Zestuous

There are around 300 000 kinds of herbs and flowers and more than half of them are edible. The kinds and quantities that you can find on a camping trip vary tremendously. There are some areas that are like a dessert, poor with edible plants and other camping surroundings that are so rich with natural products that you could live off the land for weeks.

However, since we are used to our commodities, it is not a bad idea that you take all the ingredients from the list with you and if you happen to find something of the ingredients in the nature, simply include it in greater percentage in the meal!

It is important to mention that wild plants are more vitamin-rich than cultivated ones. When you are walking around your campsite, keep in mind that plants that are older, therefore larger and cellulose richer, which means they are also bitterer. For this reason, we advise you to pick young plants only. And we all know that food is more delicious when it is prepared outside in the nature.

beautiful landscape in the daylight

Regardless of whether you are on a short picnic or on a week long camping trip, this is the time to relax and refill your batteries. Nevertheless, good food is not something that happens on itself. It takes a lot of preparation and planning in order to cook nice and tasty meals that will take your breath away. Without further a due, here are some interesting camping breakfast ideas that have everything they need in order to make your camping trip out of the ordinary experience! Before anything else, make sure to check out our list on the top cooking gear for backpacking to get you ready.

Egg & Spinach Breakfast Burritos

Old fashioned Mediterranean breakfast

If you are an admirer of traditions and habits you will know to appreciate this breakfast that reminds a lot to the well known ham and eggs. However, it is a bit spiced up and adjusted for our camping needs. Nevertheless, we guarantee that you will enjoy it and make plans to make it more than once on your trip.

Ingredients you are going to need: eggs, ham/bacon/ sausages (you should choose from the meat ingredient suggestions, or if you are a meat lover, go ahead and add them all to your breakfast package.), cheese, peppers, onion, parsley salt and pepper.

Important notes: Regardless of your meat choice, the meat should always be placed on the bottom since it takes a bit more time to cook than other ingredients. Similar to this, cheese should be placed on the top or it can also be added afterwards.

Cooking directions: For cooking this breakfast you are going to need a campfire, or to be more precise, embers of coal. If you are not willing to wait for embers of coal you can also use fire for cooking. However, when you are using embers of coal for cooking any camping meal, it is tastier and healthier. Think of it as a slow cooking mode. Whichever way you decide is more comfortable for you, proceed by putting the ingredients on a cooking foil.

The eggs should be previously mixed up in order to for them to get a scrambled taste. Place the package on top of the coal and cook for 10 to 15 minutes. If you are cooking on fire you will need less time and on the barbeque around 20 minutes. It is okay to check them every once in a while and take them out once they are cooked to your taste.

If you decide to put the cheese last, after shredding it over the meal, wrap the cooking foil and leave it on for a few minutes. The cheese will melt from the heat of the heated ingredients and there is no need of placing it over the fire once again.

Whatever you’re preparing for your meals, make sure you have the most efficient stove for camping to cook food fast.

Daily Mediterranean breakfast

Garlic bread with fresh wild tea leaves

Another perfect meal to begin your day with is garlic bread followed by a rich cup of natural tea. If you manage to find tea leaves around your camping area, this would be the perfect breakfast idea for you. You can even make a day out of it and teach your kids how to pick tea leaves. Tea made from fresh wild leaves has a richer aroma and much better taste.

Garlic bread is also an interesting breakfast idea for welcoming a lot of fellow campers when you don’t feel like cooking. It is a delicious option that will make everyone compliment your cooking and the lovely combination of aromas will reach the whole campsite.

Ingredients: When cooking this simple meal, the trick is to add as more spices as possible. This way, the meal will be full of flavor and the whole group will be full and satisfied. So, for cooking this meal you are going to need: bread, a combination of your favorite cheese types and some green spices (parsley, dill and a bit chili powder for waking up your senses and increasing the blood pressure a bit).

You will also need garlic, which is the main ingredient that could be added to your taste. If some of your group is not a big garlic fan, you can decrease the amount of garlic or leave part of the bread without this ingredient.

Instructions for cooking: Slice the bread in cubes and then place it on a cooking foil. Place the ingredients between the cubes and add some more cheese on the top of the bread. After that, decorate it with chili on top of the cheese.

Instructions for making the tea: Pick leaves from your favorite herb or flower that could be found around your campsite area. Wash them and place them on a towel overnight. The towel should not be placed directly on sunlight since they are going to lose some of the essential oils that they have inside them.

In the morning, boil some water and leave it to sit for 15 minutes without the tea leaves. After this, add the tea leaves and leave them for 5 minutes. After this, your tea is ready for serving.

Garlic bread with fresh wild tea leaves

Egg bowl

The Egg bowl is a nice camping breakfast idea if you are a fan of the healthy cuisine. It is served in a potato bowl and if you manage to make it right, it could be the hit of the whole camping trip. It is easy to do and doesn’t require much time and energy. Since the base of this meal is potato, it is the perfect way to start a long day of hiking since it will give you a great amount of energy, not to mention it is delicious!

Ingredients: For making the egg bowl you will need to prepare yourself from home. You will need larger potatoes for the meal and if there are kids involved, some smaller potatoes for them. You will also need eggs, bacon, butter, Gouda or cheddar cheese, fresh parsley and optionally spice it up with some salt, pepper and dill.

Instructions for cooking: You will need to cook this breakfast in two phases; although they are both simple and they don’t need any supervision. Meaning you could prepare them, put them on the BBQ and go ahead and do your morning activities. Just make sure you check them from time to time. You could decide to bake the potato directly on the BBQ, but the second option makes the taste much more delicious and it requires less supervision.

The alternative includes an aluminum foil. Wrap the potatoes in aluminum foil. One potato in each aluminum foil piece. With each potato, throw in some bacon as well. After this place the potatoes directly on the coal embeds. Turn them around from time to time so that they don’t burn. After baking the potatoes, cut them in half and remove the inner part, enough so that there is space for the other ingredients that are to be placed inside. The hole that you made inside the potato should be covered with the following mixture.

In a bowl, mix the bacon, some cheese, 1 tablespoon of butter and spices to your taste. If you prefer spicy food, add some more parsley, otherwise, the dill is the better option for you. Put the mixture inside the potato and add 2 eggs in each potato at the end.

In normal conditions, this should be baked. However, since we are happy campers, we are going to use a different and definitely more delicious approach. Once there is no more fire, and there are only coal embeds, make a closed system by using aluminum foil. Close the potatoes from all sides, together with the hot coal and leave only one side slightly open so that there is enough oxygen so that they keep providing heat. Leave the potatoes like this for 30 minutes. When you come back, you will have the most delicious breakfast you have ever tasted in your life!

Another alternative if you don’t have aluminum foil or you prefer a simpler way of doing things is using a covered pot placed on the BBQ. For more tips on how to keep your food warm during camping, check out our must-read article on the topic.

Egg bowl is a nice camping breakfast

Campfire snakes and sausages

This is the simplest recipe and it is definitely one that should be prepared with the whole family gathered around the campfire. It is the perfect excuse for morning conversation with your loved ones and it is the most ideal way of starting the day. The only equipment you need for this meal are sticks from the nature, as thin as you can find, fire and some ingredients.

The sticks for the “snakes” could be with any thickness you find. The ones for the sausages, however, should be with pointed edges. The best way to find such sticks is to make them with a small knife. It would take you only a few minutes and it is a fun activity to do.

Ingredients: Once you have prepared the sticks for the “snakes” and sausages, you will need a store bought dough, or if you prefer, you could prepare the dough by yourself before going camping. Although this is harder, some people prefer starting from scratch since it gives them greater control of the ingredients.

Regardless of the source, you will need dough in order to make the snakes. Place the dough on the stick, wrapped around like a snake and add soup seasoning on the bread and some chilly. After this, wait for the “snakes” to be done and voila!

The sausages, however, will take some more cooking time. For this reason, you should place them on the pointed sticks 5 minutes before the snakes if you want to eat them together. And we highly recommend that you eat these two suggestions together. It is the perfect combination of ingredients and a wonderful meal to start the day with!

Campfire snakes and sausages

French toast with melted chocolate and fruits

As the last recipe in our camping breakfast ideas, we have included a sweet breakfast that is a combination of food for the soul, the chocolate and some fuel for the body, healthy fruits of your choice. However, this recipe requires that you take several plates because serving the meal without them is practically impossible.

Ingredients: French toast is certainly different when prepared on a BBQ. However, everything prepared outside is tastier, so is this one. Place the bread on the BBQ and bake for a few minutes. After this melt some chocolate in a heatproof cup. If you want to add some protein this meal, s’mores are a nice addition to this delightful combination.

Instructions for cooking: This recipe should be prepared in layers. It requires that you prepare the French toast first, like previously described. After this, melt the s’mores a bit and place them on top of the toast. Next would be topping the whole thing with some melted chocolate that will make you want to eat everything immediately.

However, there is one more layer to wait for. Chop the fruits into small pieces and add them for decoration above. It is recommended that you choose fruits that are with sour taste such as berries because the whole combination is sweet and you will need something sour to balance the taste. Strawberries, sour cherries or cherries are some of the most popular combinations and they also look gorgeous as well.

Interesting note: If you would like to step this up to the next level and decorate it a little bit, cut the corners of the bread and make the French toast in a circular form. Arrange all the ingredients in the center so that they look like a pancake breakfast. It is always nice to expect one taste and get a different one. A breakfast surprise that wakes up your senses!

French toast with melted chocolate and fruits

Final thoughts on this topic

Camping is a great way to spend some family time away from the technology that we love to use so much. An extended weekend is the perfect idea for relaxing and bonding. Even though some of the family members may be opposed to this at the beginning, with the right planning, everything will fall back to place and you will have a weekend to remember.

However, that also requires some meal planning which is not an easy task. Luckily, now you have these camping breakfast recipes to start with that will make the whole process easier. Here are some more backpacking food ideas that you can do yourself to help you with meal planning.

The suggested camping breakfast ideas are also group meals which makes the cooking a whole lot easier. It saves the cook time and it is the perfect way to feed every member of the family at one time. Pick your favorite recipe from the list and prepare yourself for an unforgettable weekend with tasty meals that will bring smiles to the faces of your fellow campers!

Picture of a Cooked Meat

If you have some other recipes you would like to share with us, we encourage you to do so in the comment section below. We are always happy to hear from our happy campers! Bon appétit everyone!


Kane Dane


  • Good ol breakfast. I’d like to share my own recipe. The Egg McMuffin thats just ham and an omelette on english muffins. A go to breakfast for me. Just grab a burger and go. What’s your favorite?

  • We love breakfast burritos or breakfast sandwiches! Something that has bread and some eggs in it and can be eaten without much mess! Having that protein in the morning is exactly what you need!

  • These breakfast ideas are perfect and seem like they are really tasty. I prefer something which we can make really quick in the morning. Can we cook these ones in a quick time frame?


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