When you are planning to go on an extended tour in the wilderness, you need to have the right equipment to help you live life in the outdoors. Out of all the products you require, a sleeping bag like the Nemo Women’s Rhumba Sleeping Bag, is one of the most essential you will need.
This product offers a wonderful place for you to lay your head at night and it’s a perfect barrier between yourself and the ground. If you are planning on camping or fishing in the great outdoors, you should consider finding a comfortable and quality sleeping bag so you may have peaceful nights throughout your expeditions.
The hourglass shape points out at the most prominent articulation (elbow joints and knees) to offer unrestricted peaceful night’s sleep. Word on the street is that the bag has been tremendously embraced by users, tripling Nemo’s projected numbers in 2013.
Product Specifications:
- 30D Nylon Micro R/S (Shell)
- Spoon shape is wider at the knees and elbows for side sleeping.
- Extra down fill in the footbox and increased insulation to enhance warmth.
- Features like the stretch stitching, 650FP DownTek, FlowGates, and HQ fabrics
- Included Acessories: Drawstring Stuff Sack and Cotton Storage Bag.
- NEMO Rhumba temp: 15 is rated for 15F and the Rhumba 30 is rated for 30F.
The Nemo Women’s Rhumba Sleeping Bag is an excellent option for the side sleepers and people who are looking for space and comfort. The bag’s unique Spoon-shape design that offers backpackers weight savings and adjustable comfort.
Your new sleeping bag will come packaged with a weight just over 2.5 pounds and just bigger than the dimensions of 16.5 x 8.5 inches. Your sleeping bag will come already compressed, and you can pull it out and give it some air by hanging it up before you go on your adventure.
Durability and Design
Compared to the traditional mummy bag, this spoon-shaped bag is wider and contains a larger volume. Additionally, this sleeping bag is lightweight, inexpensive, and is as warm as any other bag with a higher fill power down insulation. The Rhumba is packed with features such as the waterproof foot box, pillow pocket, and a blanket fold, making it one of the most versatile and well-designed bags available today.
Apart from that, the Nemo Rhumba is lighter than the rectangular bags of the same rating and wider at the knee compared to the mummies. This bag gives you the ability to roll over and slide your feet into the bag, giving the unfettered homelike comfort.
But the shape is not the only innovation. At the neck, an additional flap of insulation, the blanket fold, is a mini down comforter. You can pull it inside for a comfortable seal or unfold it outside the bag for extra venting. The pillow pocket at the base of the hood is excellently positioned to stuff a jacket.
The Nemo Rhumba is a comfortable gear for the side sleepers because the bag is extra wide across its shoulder, knees, and hips, allowing the user to curl their knees when sleeping on their side, much like what anyone would do when in their own bed.
The mummies tend to be triangular-shaped with the largest width across the shoulders, and tapering towards the hip and the feet, so they are snug across the knees. Unlike the spoon-shaped sleeping bags, mummy bags are designed for individuals who sleep like Egyptian mummies.
The innovative Spoon Shape contours from Nemo provides you with an extra space where it really counts. The cut begins wide in the shoulder sections, tapers in at the hips to provide comfort, and flares back out via the knees, allowing you to bend and shift the entire night naturally. The Rhumba sleeping bag offers real comfort while maintaining its thermal efficiency in a compressible, low weight option which performs in 3-season temperatures.
Concerning comfort, there is simply no comparison between the mummy bag that fits like a straight jacket and meant for back sleeping and the spoon-shaped Rhumba that allows you to roll around and side sleep at night. Once you experience the comfort of the spoon-shaped Rhumba, there’s no going back!
Insulation and DWR
Lightweight, water resistant materials with durable water repellent (DWR) finish constitute the outer shell of the Nemo Rhumba while the 650 fill power with the DownTek nanotechnology keeps the moisture and cold in check. DownTek, the treatment that is applied to every plume of down, resists water while ensuring the insulation and loft are maintained even in the coldest and wettest weather conditions. This nanotechnology is also helpful in protecting against mildew, odor, and bacteria.
The Nemo Rhumba comes with a pillow pocket, a nylon sleeve inside its hood which you can insert a pillow or an insulated jacket so as to provide that comfort you need during the night. If you use the insulated jacket (which is recommended as it saves weight), it wraps around the upper shoulders and neck, offering more insulation similar to a more conventional draft collar.
Temperature Rating
If you are in the market for a cold weather sleeping bag, you can consider the Nemo Rhumba as this bag has been designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. The bags have a rating of 15oF and 30oF for cooler weather, and it’s less expensive compared to other lightweight sleeping bags of the same rating.
Waterproof Foot Box
The manufacturers of Nemo Rhumba have included some incredible waterproofing features to their product to differentiate it from other sleeping bags. The Rhumba bag is filled with a waterproof down (DownTek) that is quite common in the outdoor industry.
The Nemo Rhumba has a breathable foot box which repels the tent condensation and prevents it from wetting the end of this sleeping gear. If you have ever woken up inside a wet bag in the morning, you can agree with what a failure that is, especially in the cooler weather of the multi-days tours, when you have inadequate time to let the bag dry.
For the Rhumba, the interior fabric of its foot box is a constructed from a waterproof, breathable nylon that prevents it’s down from getting wet and also protects the fabric because it is inward facing when on the bag’s inside. The outside of this foot box is coated with a DWR nylon layer that resists getting wet. However, this will eventually need some reproofing with a durable water repellent treatment.
Value for the Money and Guarantee
Nemo is known for making highly durable products that will last a long time. You really can not go wrong with this bag, as the price is a real steal, while still offering the comfort and warmth that you need while you are sleeping outdoors. Therefore, the value for the money of this sleeping bag is a great deal!
Nemo is a company that makes sure their customers are satisfied, and therefore offers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all of their products. If you are not happy, you do not have to worry, as you can return your product without issue.
Similar Products/Competitors
Below, we offer you three other sleeping bag reviews so you can see what features are out there and compare it to the Nemo Rhumba as far as material, size, shape, etc. See below for the reviews.
Nemo Rhapsody 15 
The Nemo Rhapsody 15 offers a comfortable inside with the soft materials used. The baffling will curve to your shape, offering you more comfort as you rest. There is an included blanket fold for when you feel a little bit colder at night.
The best thing about this sleeping bag is that it is temperature rated down to 15 degrees F, and it is waterproof and breathes well, so it does not hold onto moisture. Included in the package is a compression stuff sack and a storage bag.
You can purchase this women’s sleeping bag in two colors; Aluminum with Aqua Marine, and Aluminum with Iris. Both are stylish and offer the right amount of warmth and padding. It is made with 700 fill power DownTek filling and has 19 oz of filling. You have a space in the shoulder area with 62 inches of room, and 58 inches in the hip area. The shell is made of 15 denier nylon, as well as the foot box, both have DWR treatment.
For extra comfort, you can use a sleeping pad, which will slide into this sleeping bag with ease. Users like this sleeping bag because it keeps heat in and keeps them warm in frigid temperatures. The pricing is just right, too, so it will not break the bank!
Big Agnes Ann 15 
The Big Agnes Ann 15 comes in two sizes, Petite and Regular. We will be talking about the Regular version, though many features are the same. This sleeping bag can withstand temperatures down to 15 degrees F, and has a shell made of ripstop nylon.
The lining is made of nylon taffeta, and the down insulation is water resistant and filled with 17 ounces of 650 DownTek filling.
This semi rectangular sleeping bag fits up to 70 inches across and has a shoulder girth of 63 inches, which give you a bit of shoulder space. The hip space is nice, with 63.5 inches of room.
The stuff sack can hold 14 liters and compresses down to 8 x 17.5 inches. This bag has an Insotect Flow Construction which keeps the down filling from moving around, getting displaced.
This is the upgraded version of the bag, which now has room for a 20 inch wide sleeping pad that is rectangular in shape. You will have to buy this separately, but having the option is nice. Users love the contour fit that keeps the heat inside during the night, and allows them to move around a little if needed.
The hood fits right around the face nicely, and there are inside loops to store items, as well as a stash pocket. This bag is priced right too, so you will be able to buy other necessary items for your journey!
Mountain Hardwear Heratio 
The Mountain Hardwear Heratio comes in a beautiful ocean blue color called Atlantis and has a Q Shield down filling with 650 fill power, plus a treatment that keeps moisture away, while retaining the loft.
This bag has a Thermo Trap Baffle Construction that keeps the insulation from migrating and keeping the warmth consistent throughout. There is extra insulation in the chest and foot areas, and it is made specifically for women and contoured to them, a design that keeps warmth inside.
There is a down filling face gasket that keeps wind and cold out at the opening of the hood. The zippers have double sliders so you can ventilate your sleeping bag, plus the zippers will not snag. You can adjust your hood with the attached draw strings, as well. You will enjoy this highly durable, lightweight sleeping bag that can be used down to the freezing temperature of 32 degrees F.
Users love this bag for the light weight, style, and comfort. Plus, the price is so low that you will find this bag a steal! Great for camping, hiking, and many other activities, you can take this sleeping bag anywhere and barely feel the weight of it.
Users say they kept warm through the night while sleeping, and the bag stayed comfortable even when the weather was rainy. The specific cut for women is also comfortable, and contours to keep in the warmth, which is important on a freezing cold night!
One of the greatest reasons why the Nemo Rhumba is less expensive compared to other sleeping bags within the same temperature range is that the bag is filled with duck down as opposed to goose down. Today, manufacturers are utilizing down as they find this substance less expensive and relatively affordable compared to goose down.
In thermal efficiency, there is no difference between the two down as long as the same fill power rating is utilized. Fill power remains unchanged irrespective of the bird the down is obtained from.
The Nemo Rhumba incorporates a feature they call a blanket fold that you can position between your sleeping bag’s collar and the chest to prevent the escape of hot air from the interior of the bag to the outside during cold weather. This feature is quite similar to the draft collar found on higher end gears, except the use of blanket fold is optional.
During hot weather, you can fold the blanket over so it lies on top of the bag instead of lying on your chest so that the hot air can escape through the collar. The blanket fold is a smart and useful feature from Nemo Technology.
The Nemo Rhumba comes with a pillow pocket, a nylon sleeve inside its hood which you can insert a pillow or an insulated jacket so as to provide that comfort you need during the night. If you use the insulated jacket (which is recommended as it saves weight), it wraps around the upper shoulders and neck, offering more insulation similar to a more conventional draft collar.
- Spoon shaped
- 3 season bag
- Fit specifically for women
- Extra insulation in the foot box
- Stretch consctruction
- DWR treated on the shell
- Inexpensive
- Only made for women
- Can seem tight, as it is contoured
- Only comes in one color
The Nemo Women’s Rhumba Sleeping Bag is an extremely comfortable and suitable sleeping bag anyone could ever own. This spoon-shaped model makes it possible for you to sleep on your side and roll over comfortable without any restrictions. The concept of this product is unique, and the bag is quite valuable given its features and price.
Nemo Rhumba
When you are looking to purchase a sleeping bag, make sure you go for one that meets your outdoor needs. Other, numerous features that could also be beneficial to your outdoor survival include the type of fabric used, the temperature rating of the bag, and the type of insulation used.
If you decide to go with the Nemo Rhumba design, make sure it comes with a blanket fold as an additional accessory. You don’t need to worry about weight when it comes to Nemo Rhumba as these bags are lightweight and easily compressible. The 650 fill power ensures that bag is ideal for backpacking.
User Review
( votes)It’s an excellent sleeping bag to use during cold weather camping, so you don’t have to worry about sleeping in the cold. Features such as the blanket fold and waterproof foot box, are an excellent addition to this gear as they ensure you remain warm and comfortable when sleeping.
So, did you enjoy reading this article? Have you made a decision about the kind of bag you intend to purchase? Do you have suggestions or recommendations about any other options you think can contend with the Nemo Rhumba? Feel free to leave your views on our comment section.
The Rhumba’s unique spoon shape offers more space at the knees and elbows. This is the bag to buy, if you are a side sleeper.
The Nemo Rhumba is highly waterproof and breathable. The Insotect vertical baffling will keep you warm from head to toe.