
12 Tips For Writing A Camping And Outdoor Blog

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Written by Wendy Tucker

Writing blogs is really a source of great fun, especially when you are writing a camping and outdoor blog. While writing your blog post, you tend to relive those moments, when you were one with nature. Your good and adventurous memories come flashing by, and once more you are in the past, probably sitting by the glorious waterfall or building a fire for your camp.

However, writing a camping and outdoor blog can also be quite painstaking, as you often tend to run out of ideas. That is to say, you wonder from time to time, as to what to write and how to make it more interesting. There are thousands of camping and outdoor bloggers out there, but you click only when you are presenting something unique, something organic, something that gives out your own personal essence.

Here are a number of tips for writing a camping and outdoor blog.

1. Read

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You probably ignore the importance of reading prior to sitting down and writing your blog. You love to travel. You love to share your experiences of traveling. However, you lack proper training or even an insight as to how you should start writing your camping and outdoor blog.

So, you sit back and procrastinate. You procrastinate about ways in which you can invite people to read your travel and outdoor experiences and adventures. The easiest and the most affordable solution to this question is to read. You simply cannot deny the primacy of reading when you are starting with a camping and outdoor blog.

Just the way, students take the help of TopAssignmentExperts to complete their difficult assignments, you need to read books and travelogues, basically any piece of writing that compels you to think and make an effort towards writing your outdoor blog. It will not only enrich your knowledge of writing but also give you hold of your language skills. After that mull over all the readings you have done, and then start your writing endeavor.

2. Love What You Do

You probably know by now, that there are multiple types of travel blogging. Therefore, you have a lot of options to choose from. Do not just dangle from one type to another. For instance, when you are interested in writing about your camping and outdoor experiences, do not shift your focus to any other type.

Most importantly, an important point that you ought to keep in mind, is that, love what you are about to do. Do something, or to be more precise, start something only when you are truly passionate about it and have a lot of love for it. When you truly love what you are doing or are about to do, only then, will you be able to excel at it.

Your love and passion for writing camping and outdoor blogs will definitely reflect the quality of your content. It will also make your writings extremely unique, which is bound to attract the eyes of your target audience, which will, in turn, help your blog grow to its fullest potential.

3. Select a Name

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Now that you are aware of the prerequisites of writing your camping and outdoor blog, you can delve a little deeper. The beginning of the deep starts with finding a catchy name for your blog. You need to be creative and innovative when you are thinking of a name for your camping and outdoor blog.

However, make sure it is not overly complicated or something which is almost impossible to pronounce or even comprehends. Try to keep it pithy, sweet, and simple. Just the way you opt for EduWorldUSA to ease your assignments; you need to think hard and play on those words. You can obviously jot down a few names, words that completely represent your vibe, your attitude towards outdoor adventures, and camping experiences.

However, if you are confused and unconfident about which name to choose from your narrowed-down list, then go to your friends and family members, and ask for their suggestions. After a lot of brainstorming, you will most definitely be able to pin down a name for your camping and outdoor blog.

Just a word of advice, avoid using generic terms such as ‘wanderlust’, ‘nomad’ and so on, in order to avoid being generalized in the huge crowd of travel writers.

4. No Linear Narrative Needed

Travel bloggers usually tend to have the general tendency of following a linear narrative that is structured as, beginning, middle, and end. You really do not need to restrict yourself to that format, especially when you are writing a camping and outdoor blog. You can write in an absolutely free manner, as it is not your thesis.

You simply need to keep few things in mind when writing your blog, that can be shortly mentioned as, your blog should be attractive, not through the help of your theme and other technical aspects, but through the medium of the quality of your writing, it should be able to hold your audience longer, the writing should be fresh, comprehensible and come out of you organically.

Do not try to pretend anything when trying to write for your camping and outdoor blog. The freshness and happiness of your camping and adventurous experience should be reflected in your writing.

5. Think of Post Ideas

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Writing camping and outdoor blogs is not always very easy. This is because it is extremely difficult to come up with interesting blog post ideas every now and then. After writing a couple of blog posts, you end up scratching your head about what you should opt for next. However, it is a very justified matter to become baffled about what to write next, since there are many topics to write about but you cannot figure out what will be the best for you.

Moreover, you can even run out of topics and search for them frantically in order to keep your blog continuing. In this regard, you can think about browsing on the internet, as it can provide you with a plethora of ideas for your next blog post.

For instance, you can give a breakdown of the contents of your camping kit, or the specifics of your favorite tent, or the first aids you would recommend that someone carry on their first trail or hike, and so on.

There are so many ideas to choose from when you dedicate yourself to camping and outdoor blogging, that you will be compelled to keep moving with the rush.

6. Motivation and Drive

It is extremely evident that even when you are presented with a plethora of post ideas and topics, you will get stuck repetitively and feel like quitting the practice of writing for your blog. However, you can avoid this journey of hardship by following the above-mentioned two factors, motivation and drive.

These two, extremely significant factors will push you from never stopping. Your motivation to always look for something new, offer new and fresh experiences to your target audience, attract the eyes of the wider population will be one of the major aspects that will drive you towards excellence, even before you strive to achieve that level of success.

Your drive to do something unique and produce quality and organic content to your audience will also help you stay motivated to try new things and embark on new beginnings.

7. Share!

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Blogging is all about sharing. Right from your hobbies, to your likes and dislikes, you’re favorite dishes, favorite quotes, and whatnot. Blogging is about the unhinged and unhidden self. In the case of camping and outdoor blogging, however, it is all about your traveler self.

Therefore, the key to attract your target audience is to share what you hold most personally in case of your trips. You never know, the funniest experience that you have had while camping might become a little ray of sunshine, pouring a smile on another person’s face.

Even maybe, your descriptions might inspire someone to go on that long-awaited trip or hike. Share your closest memories to make them a shared memory for all the readers of your post.

However, make sure that you do not share personal details without the consent of another person in your blogs. In addition to that, ensure that your blog is written in a lucid language so that it is understandable to the wider population.

8. Themes

As you are probably aware by now, is the best blogging platform that you should opt for. Therefore, themes are the basic templates that will act as the basic framework on which your blog will be built. You will get a plethora of options to choose from for your camping and outdoor blogs.

However, you need to make sure that the theme is appropriate for the kind of content that you are about to produce. You need to put your focus on the homepage and how it will turn out. You also need to check the prominence of the images in those specific layouts. You have to check the space where you can place your logo as well as the menu.

In addition to that, you need to have a thorough look at the fonts, colors, and other design options. The fonts and the colors make a huge difference in the visualization of your content, therefore make sure it is appropriate and enhances readability. Your theme should also be mobile-friendly that is it should be able to adjust depending on the screen size.

9. Do Not Stress About Your First Draft

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None of the first drafts really make it to the blog page. It is not rare, rather unlikely, and close to impossible. Therefore, do not stress and fret just because your first draft is not up to the mark. It is a common drill that first drafts are never worth reading; however, they are always worth writing and revising. Without fully writing out your first draft you simply cannot move forward to your second and thereby your final draft. Just the way you opted for TFTH regarding getting all the necessary help and support for your assignments, take the help of your first draft to develop your blog post.

The drill is to go on writing until you find your moment of inspiration when your experiences flow out of your keypad as effortlessly as that of water rushing out of a fountain.

10. Read Aloud Your Draft

When you have already completed writing your draft for the camping and outdoor blog, do one important thing, print it out, and read it aloud. Listen intently to how your writing sounds, give emphasis to the cadence of your writing, look out for grammatical and spelling errors, check your writing for clunky sentences and phrases.

When you start listening to what you have written, you will be able to better point out your mistakes and drawbacks. There will be quick improvements in your writing and you will be able to better adhere to the taste of your target audience.

11. Add Interesting Images

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Images play a greatly significant role in attracting the eyes of the target audience, and even people from the wider population. Images help in inspiring the audience to travel and live similar experiences of adventure and thrill. It will also allure them to read the entire piece of writing in order to know more about a certain location.

Even if you are writing about something related to camping, such as your favorite tents, you can still use images and videos to describe how it is set up, where can your readers find it, and so on. Images will compel the audience to interact more with your content.

12. Focus on Endings

Your camping and outdoor experiences need a perfect start and a perfect end, no matter whether you are following the basic narrative structure or not. Therefore, make sure to make your endings attractive and catchy so that the kick at the end of the blogs makes the mind of your audience linger a bit more on your writings.

Great beginnings and endings always take the best piece of the cake. It makes your writing unique as well as special.


Wendy Tucker


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