If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, then you probably know how important it is to have all your gear at a reach of your hand. While a comfortable backpack is excellent for carrying your survival gear, at some points you may need your gear close by. Which is where the best tactical vest comes in as just the right solution for you!
The right tactical vest for your needs should provide you with much better and easier access to your gear but also, allow you to move around much safe and easier through all sorts of terrain. An additional advantage of the vest is its effortless take on and off – you can always easily unzip it and put it down if you want to take a break.
However, finding the right tactical vest is a time-consuming task that requires research and effort. In order to help you save time and effort, we created this article where we point out the most essential features of the vest. We have also included a list of products that might catch your attention.
Product Name | Dimensions | Weight | Material | Price |
Yakeda Tactical CS Field | 22.83 x 15.74 x 4.33 in | 3.3 lb | 600D polyester and nylon | Check price on Amazon |
Barbarians Tactical Molle | 23 x 21 x 20 in | 2.7 lb | 600D polyester | Check price on Amazon |
GZ XinXing | 22.83 x 15.74 x 4.33 in | 3.4 lb | Polyester and nylon | Check price on Amazon |
Barska Loaded Gear VX-200 Right Hand | 22 x 52 x 20 in | 3 lb | Ballistic polyester | Check price on Amazon |
UTG 547 Law Enforcement | 20.5 x 13.4 x 1.6 in | 4.2 lb | Polyester and nylon | Check price on Amazon |
Modern Warrior Tactical Vest | 24 x 19 x 5 in | 3 lb | 600D polyester | Check price on Amazon |
Lancer Tactical Cross Draw | 23.80 x 15.74 x 4.33 in | 2.6 lb | Polyester and nylon | Check price on Amazon |
UTG Law Enforcement | 20.3 x 14.6 x 2 in | 3.5 lb | Polyester and nylon | Check price on Amazon |
Things to Consider Before Buying
Each tactical vest is characterized by different features and on today’s market, there is a great diversity of tactical vests on survivalmag.net. However, there are few characteristics of the vests that need to be revealed before making the final choice.
The material is extremely important when choosing a tactical vest – this piece of gear will stay on your body for many hours. Therefore, the production material and its quality should be checked or tested.
Most of the tactical vests are made of high-density polyester in combination with nylon. Usually, these materials do not cause any skin irritations or damage – however, this also depends on your skin. Some materials may also cause skin abrasion and discomfort.
The absorption of moisture also depends on the production materials of the tactical vest – it affects the capability to absorb the sweat or the water and additionally it affects the comfort level of the vest. Although the material is important, the clothes underneath might also affect the vest’s characteristics.
Size & Comfort
The size plays a huge role in the comfort of the vest but the good news is that the adjustability is a feature of almost every tactical vest. Yet, it is essential, especially on the training or on the shooting range that the tactical vest fits you perfectly.
In a tactical situation, the vest must perfectly protect your upper body part – if the attacker spots the vest it is actually useless. That is why it is important for you to measure your chest, waist, and shoulders and use these measurements when buying the vest.
As far as the comfort is concerned, you know what we’ll say – it’s a must! The sizing might be directly related to the comfort in some cases. However, considering the fact that you’ll be carrying the vest for days on end loaded with full equipment, make sure the vest you’re buying is snug, but also not too tight.
One of the main functions of the tactical vest is storing gear. Thus, the vest must have enough compartments that are properly placed to allow you effortless placement and carrying of your gear.
Before buying the vest, think about its purpose and the type of gear it will be used for. Look at the way the pockets are arranged and whether you’ll be able to easily reach them and get the most out of each pocket. There’s not much use of a pocket if you can’t reach it, right?
Bearing in mind that you’ll be wearing the vest for days, its weight shouldn’t be neglected! In comparison to the past, today’s tactical vests are much lighter and effective – most of the time, only lightweight materials are used for the production.
The weight of the vest has a direct impact on your fatigue levels, as well as the stored equipment in the vest. That is why choosing a lighter vest is a great advantage – it allows you to place more and heavier gear while positively affecting your endurance.
The vest’s mobility is an essential characteristic – if it’s too small it can slow you down and if it’s too large it can also impair your movement and negatively affect the safety. Make sure that the vest you get is a perfect fit and offers you plenty of ability to move freely around.
Remember, the vest should provide unrestricted movement of the torso, arms, and shoulders and allow fast and easy access to every pocket. There’s not much use you can get out of a vest that doesn’t let you lift your arms comfortably.
The durability of the vest stands in close connection with the production materials – the higher the quality of the materials, the longer the vest should serve. The lightweight materials normally used for the production also guarantee excellent durability though sometimes, that might come at a higher price.
If you know you’ll be wearing your vest for most parts of the year, then going on and doing the investment may pay off in the long run. On the other side, if you’re looking to get something for a weekend or two in the mountains, there are plenty of options available that shouldn’t let you down.
Best Products on Today’s Market
Now when we have specified the most important features of the tactical vests and you know what needs to be considered when buying, check out the best products on today’s market.
Yakeda Tactical CS Field Vest 
Price: Approx. $35
Weight: 3.3 pounds
Dimensions: 22.83 x 15.74 x 4.33 inches
Specific features: High-density 600D polyester with nylon, easily adjustable to maximum, strong and durable lightweight material, document pockets, good air ventilation, Velcro straps and possibility of addition of hydration bladder
Best use: Survival, training, shooting training, mountaineering, fishing and gaming
Description: The Yakeda Tactical CS Filed Vest is equipped with many properly placed pockets and offers storage space which should be more than enough for almost every type of gear – additionally there are also document pockets. The simple usage of the vest is a perfect help in many outdoor activities.
The vest is produced from quality lightweight materials – the high-density 600D polyester in combination with nylon offers strength, durability, and good protection for your body. These materials provide excellent breathability while absorbing the sweat and protecting the skin.
The numerous pockets provide you with enough storage space – the left side is equipped with pistol holster, three pistol mag pouches and the on the right side there are three ammo pouches, shell carrying pouch and a shooting pad. On the top of that, there is a place for the addition of hydration bladder.
Good adjustability is also a feature of this vest – it can be adjusted to the maximum from S to XXL while fitting your shoulders and waist. For even better shoulder adjustment, Velcro straps can be added. Back straps for camouflage material come together with the vest.
- Easily adjustable
- Strength and durability
- Air ventilation
- High-density polyester
- Place for hydration bladder
- Heavy with hydration bladder
- No room for armor plates
Related: In addition to the tactical vest you may also find useful the Yakeda Belt Holster which can be easily attached to your vest. This holster is made of 100% wear-resistant nylon which contributes to the comfort and easy maintenance of the holster. It also has a scratch-resistant inner lining so that you have your movement freedom. For right-handed users, the holster can be tucked and clipped on the right side and for the left-handed on the left side.
Barbarians Tactical Molle Vest 
Price: Approx. $85
Weight: 2.7 pounds
Dimensions: 23 x 21 x 20 inches
Specific features: High-quality lightweight 600D polyester, well-organized and properly placed pouches, easily adjustable, additional attachment for gear, mesh pocket for hydration bladder, document pockets, skidproof, strong and durable
Best use: Training, shooting training, mountaineering, fishing, hunting, gaming, and survival
Description: Made for almost any type of outdoor activities, the Barbarians Tactical Molle Vest gives you the exact safety and protection you are looking for. Also, it’s equipped with well-organized and placed pouches that should give you more than enough storage gear space. Additionally, you also have another gear attachment.
The high-quality lightweight 600D polyester allows you to wear it for a long period of time – it’s ultra-light and it does not cause any skin irritations. This type of polyester contributes to the durability and strength of the vest and promises a long-term usage. The anti-skid material on the inside adds to the durability.
With three rifle magazine pouches, three equipment pouches, a pistol holster, a radio pouch and room for a hydration bag this tactical vest offers a storage space which should be enough for most people. But, if this is not enough, you also have an additional attachment for camouflage or extra gear.
- Strength and durability
- Skidproof
- High-density polyester
- Additional geat attachment
- Place for hydration bladder
- No proper shoulder adjustment
- Not easily adjustable Velcro straps
- Not breathable
Related: When wearing a tactical vest you don’t have room for a water bottle – in this case, you need to have a good hydration bladder. The Tactical Hydration Pack Water Backpack is an excellent additional attachment for your hydration bladder – it’s lightweight and water-resistant. For its production are used BPA-free TPU materials. Also, the hydration bag is leak-proof and easily adjustable. The solid dust cover of the hydration bag keeps your water free of dirt and dust.
GZ XinXing Tactial Airsoft Vest 
Price: Approx. $30
Weight: 3.4 pounds
Dimensions: 22.83 x 15.74 x 4.33 inches
Specific features: High-quality polyester and tough nylon, lightweight production material, durability, document pouches, numerous gear pouches, adjustable sizing S-XXL, space for a hydration bag, easily adjustable Velcro straps and breathable
Best use: Hunting, fishing, gaming, mountaineering, survival, training and shooting training
Description: With its high-quality materials and its durability, the GZ XinXing Tactical Vest should allow you unrestricted movement during your desired outdoor activities. This tactical vest gives you also the necessary safety and protection during your training or games.
Lightweight high-quality polyester and tough nylon are the production materials of this vest making it ultralight for wearing, but safe and reliable at the same time. Thanks to these high-quality materials, the vest should promise a long-term service. On the top of that, the mesh body provides good ventilation.
This vest is fitted with numerous gear and two document pouches. On the right side, it has a shoulder shooting pad, a shotgun shell holder and two utility pouches; on the left side, it’s equipped with detachable mag pouches, radio pocket, and a cross-draw pistol holster, which should be more than enough to hold your gear.
Furthermore, the vest has a heavy-duty adjustable belt. The Velcro straps for the shoulder and on the back add to the simple adjustability of the vest – it can fit the S to XXL size. The vest has also a compartment for a hydration bag. Addition of extra gear or camouflage material is possible.
- Ultralight
- High-quality polyester and nylon
- Air ventilation
- Pretty durable
- Place for hydration bladder
- Not so strong
- Might be too small and tight for some
Related: If you think that besides the tactical vest you’ll need extra compartments for your gear, then the GZ XINXING 2-Pack Tactical Utility Bag Pouchesfrom the same company might be the perfect match for you. These remarkably compact utility bags can be easily attached to a tactical vest, on a backpack or on a belt. They are easily accessible and you provide fast access to the necessary gear. The lightweight quality material promises durability and long usage. The production material is also water-resistant.
Barska Loaded Gear VX-200 Right Hand Tactical Vest 
Price: Approx. $53
Weight: 3 pounds
Dimensions: 22 x 52 x 20 inches
Specific features: Fully adjustable, high-strength ballistic polyester, tough mesh webbing, excellent ventilation, bag for hydration bladder, Velcro areas for attaching patches and two large internal zippered pockets for additional gear
Best use: Mountaineering, shooting training, training, fishing, hunting, camping, games and survival
Description: The Barska Loaded Gear VX-200 Tactical Vest might be ideal both for any type of outdoor activities and action games as well. The fully adjustable vest should effortlessly fit the S to XXL size and offer excellent protection of the upper body part.
This vest is produced from high-strength ballistic polyester that provides you with the necessary safety. This is a lightweight material and so the vest itself is easy and comfortable to wear – you can wear it for days without feeling discomfort. The tough mesh webbing should offer you plenty of strength, durability, and breathability.
Front and back Velcro areas are also attached to the vest in order to give you extra room for your gear though don’t have too high of expectations about the organization of this part – it might feel like putting things in one giant bag. A duty back webbing system is also part of this tactical vest – it allows you to fit even more gear in the vest.
A bonus point here is that there is a room for a hydration bladder in the back pocket. Available in several designs, all in all, this might be a decent buy for the money but nothing too fabulous.
- High- strength polyester
- Tough mesh webbing
- Air ventilation
- Place for hydration bladder
- Right-hand vest
- Expensive regarding characteristics
Related: On a camping trip or especially on the training range having a binocular is surely an advantage. The Barska Waterproof Binocular is perfect for enjoying nature views or analyzing the situation on the training field. This binocular is stylish and more importantly, waterproof. Additionally, the binocular allows the user to adjust the binoculars if there are slight differences. The construction of the binocular promises quality images and simple usage. On the top of that, the product comes together with a neck strap.
UTG 547 Law Enforcement Tactical Vest 
Price: Approx. $60
Weight: 4.2 pounds
Dimensions: 20.5 x 13.4 x 1.6 inches
Specific features: High- strength polyester combined with nylon, mesh ventilation system, fully adjustable in girth and length, duty back loop system and Velcro attachable double-mag pouches
Best use: Survival, hunting, fishing, training, shooting training, mountaineering, games, and camping
Description: No matter if you’re fishing, hunting or training range, the UTG 547 Law Enforcement Tactical Vest offers the stability, safety, and protection that will be more than enough for most buyers. Additionally, thanks to the production materials, the vest promises great durability.
The combination of high-strength polyester and nylon is more than suitable for harsh conditions and training, while at the same time, making the product very sturdy and reliable.
Thanks to the quality of the materials, you shouldn’t have to worry about sweating – the vest has a great ventilation system that allows you to wear the vest for a long period of time.
Being fitted with four adjustable rifle pouches, universal cross-draw holster, and extra modular double-mag pouches, the vest should provide more than the necessary gear storage space.
The duty back loop system allows you to put even some extra gear or materials in the vest. One downside, in this case, is the weight of the vest alone, which could be limiting.
Coming in a variety of designs – so you can pick one according to your activity – the vest is fully adjustable in length and girth and thus, should fit almost every size. To sum it up, this could be a good basic vest for those who don’t want to do the big splurge.
- Fully adjustable
- Durability and strength
- Mesh ventilation system
- High- strength polyester
- Might be too heavy
- No room for plates
Related: The same great reviews as the tactical vest has the UTG Universal Horizontal Shoulder Holster that gives you more space for your military gear when carried on the shooting or training range. The holster has a modular design that is suitable for both left- and right-handed. The padded shoulders with the two magazine pouches allow you faster and easier access to your gear in a tactical situation. Moreover, all of the elements are fully adjustable and can be effortlessly attached to your vest.
Modern Warrior Tactical Vest 
Price: Approx. $35
Weight: 2.6 pounds
Dimensions: 23.80 x 15.74 x 4.33
Specific features: Numerous and well-organized pockets, adjustable torso, right shoulder padding, strong, durable, high-strength polyester combined with nylon, breathable and big hydration back pocket
Best use: Camping, hunting, fishing, training, shooting training, mountaineering, games, and survival
Description: The Modern Warrior Tactical Vest should allow you great freedom in movement and it’s suitable for numerous outdoor activities. Coming at a budget-friendly price, the vest is strong and promises durability – you can rely on it even in a tactical situation.
Lightweight high-strength polyester and nylon are the production materials that allow you to wear the vest for hours on end while not making you sweat. Due to these lightweight materials, the vest isn’t on the heavy side, leaving you with plenty of room for adding gear and sparing you some energy.
The good ventilation system is also one of the good features of the vest – it prevents from sweating and keeps your clothes warm and dry. The big hydration pocket on the back should be more than enough for your hydration bladder.
The numerous well-organized pockets provide a great storage capacity that should be at your hand’s reach at all times. The vest is fitted with rifle magazine pockets, shotgun shell holders, handgun holster and right shoulder padding.
- High-strength polyester
- Durability and strength
- Mesh ventilation system
- Big hydration bladder pocket
- Not fully adjustable
- Pretty basic vest
Related: If you spend a lot of time outside during the colder months, then you might also be interested in the Valken V-TAC Half Finger Airsoft Gloves that come with a good budget-friendly price! Apart from offering you enough warmth, the gloves should also help you improve your grip no matter the activity you’re doing. On top of that, they’re available in several different sizes, so you should be able to find your fit easily!
Lancer Tactical Cross Draw Adjustable Vest 
Price: Approx. $40
Weight: 3 pounds
Dimensions: 24 x 19 x 5 inches
Specific features: High-quality 600D polyester and mesh Molle webbing, fully adjustable, adjustable Velcro straps, room for hydration bladder, heavy duty adjustable belt, good breathability and two front and back ID-panels
Best use: Survival, training, shooting training, mountaineering, fishing, gaming and hunting
Description: The fully- adjustable Lancer Tactical Cross Draw Adjustable Vest can be used for almost any outdoor activities while providing you the needed safety and protection for you and your essential gear.
The high-quality 600D polyester is the main production material of this vest – together with the mesh Molle webbing, the vest gives a pretty decent level of protection and durability that should be enough for the most people.
On top of that, it should prove to be pretty sturdy and durable thanks to the combination of materials used in its manufacturing.
Although it might come off as too sturdy for some, the vest is fully adjustable and should fit just fine – thanks to the Velcro straps, you can use them for shoulder and waist adjustment. In this fully adjustable vest, you also have enough space for a hydration bladder.
If breathability is an issue, then you should know that that’s one of the best parts of this vest. However, on the other side, that might mean less padding, so it really depends on what you’re looking to get from your product.
The vest is fitted with removable pistol holster together with six ammunition holders. Four rifle magazine holsters and two large interior pockets are also fitted in the vest – these should be more than enough for the basic gear.
- Easily adjustable
- High-quality 600D polyester
- Place for hydration bladder
- Front and back ID-panels
- Heavy duty adjustable belt
- Not enough pouches
- No shoulder padding
Related: If the Lancer Tactical Vest gives you the desired body protection and safety, then the Lancer Tactical Airsoft Goggles offer you the perfect protection for your eyes in sports, games or in tactical situations. These Goggles have a full seal protection and a foam padded line for even better eye protection. Additionally, the slanted vents prevent goggles from fogging up and ensure perfect visibility in almost every condition. On the top of this, the goggles are ultralight and easily portable.
UTG Law Enforcement Tactical SWAT Vest 
Price: Approx. $36
Weight: 3.5 pounds
Dimensions: 20.3 x 14.6 x 2 inches
Specific features: High-strength polyester and nylon, numerous well-organized and properly placed pockets, durable and easily adjustable
Best use: Camping, fishing, hunting, shooting training, training, games, mountaineering, and survival
Description: With its excellent durability and strength, the UTG Law Enforcement Tactical SWAT Vest may be just the right vest for all of your outdoor activities, no matter whether they involve water or not!
However, on the downside, while it’ll keep you dry from the outside, it might not as well offer you that much of a breathability so you can stay dry on the inside as well.
Made of high-strength polyester in combination with tough nylon, this vest will give the protection that should be enough for the most people, on and off the water. These compounds contribute to the added safety and durability of the tactical vest – it should offer you a long-term service.
The nature of the materials allows the vest to be fully adjusted to your body, giving you that much-wanted snug fit. Comfort is another fantastic trait of the vest – you can carry it for many hours with full gear in it while not feeling burdened by the weight.
The many well-organized and properly placed pouches are where this vest may excel at – not only for essential gear but also extra pockets for additional materials or bags. The vest includes rifle magazine pouches, pistol holster, elastic loops and radio pocket. Plus, it has a thumb break holster.
- High-strength polyester
- Durability and strength
- Easily adjustable
- Numerous pockets
- Might be too heavy
- Not breathable
- No room for hydration bag
Related: The UTG Ambidextrous Pocket Holster can be used as additional storage room for your gear. The ultralight durable pocket holster can be easily adjusted to your vest or belt. It also has one front and one pocket storage – this should be more than enough for the additional gear. On the top of that, the non-slip bands allow safe and fast access to your gear.
Wrap Up
Whenever you need faster and easier access to your gear, especially during hunting season, the tactical vest should be your choice to go. Bearing in mind all of the important features of the vest, now you can easily make the decision and find the perfect vest for you.
Remember, always think about where you’ll be wearing the vest most of the time, as that might largely influence your buying decision.
We would be happy if you share your opinion with us – let us know, are there any favorite vests of yours? If we happened to miss out on a product, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment section below!