Best Hiking Books: For Great Hiking Adventures

Person Holding and Reading Book during Daytime
Written by Kane Dane

Are you are searching for some hiking inspirations or captivating adventure books? Or maybe you are in a need to find the best hiking books you can get your hands on? Whether you are picking an astute present for a hiking lover, or need to treat yourself, you are in the right place.

Taking off and wandering into the woods by walking has constantly held a special moment for individuals. Maybe it is the meditative atmosphere that nature gives, or simply the need to do nothing more right now than to place one foot before the other, and that keep individuals experiencing passionate feelings for hiking exercise.

A man reading a book on a bench

However, whether you are somebody who enjoys hitting the trail for nothing less than 12 miles every day, or someone who likes to log just one or two miles before cozying up beside a campfire with a bundle of marshmallows, there is no denying the fact that a side trip into the wood is improved even by bringing some of the finest literature along.

How to Find Good Hiking Books to Read

Do you enjoy reading during your hiking trip? Reading is quite good; it helps you to find out about new things on the planet and better ways to enhance your life. With regards to reading, one vital issue is how to discover great hiking books to read. Nevertheless, the objective of reading is to gain much value and knowledge.

Do not read books only for reading sake, read to by one means or another enhance the nature of your life. That is the reason why it is important to discover books that are worth reading. To discover great books, here are two important steps you should do and which we will take a closer look at them one after the other.

  1. Find great books that are worth reading.
  2. Ensure that the books are for sure worth reading.

Finding Great Books that are worth Reading

Are you interested in reading? Are you unsure of what to read? You have as of now read your most loved hiking book, countless times, and you need to read something fresh yet you do not have any idea as to what you need to read. If you have the correct information, it is quite simple to find a great book.

Make a run down noting these inquiries

What kind of books do you like? Is it Science fiction, mystery, riddle, fiction, non-fiction, realistic fiction?

What are your favorite authors? Explore books by authors that you have relished in the past. They may probably have produced another great book that you will likewise appreciate, and by searching, you can get a couple of similar books that the writer composed.

Pile of Books in Shallow Focus Photography

Is there a kind of book, or a particular book you might want to try? If such books exist, you might want to search for the book and read its synopsis. That will surely help you to make a decision as to whether the book is appropriate for you.

Is there any book in a specific series that you might want to read? If you are aware of the series, then you can locate the series on the web and you can discover the book. You can likewise go to the bookstore and check whether the series you are searching for is there.

Check the book lists of online bookstores

Online Bookstores like Amazon has numerous book lists through which you can discover various interesting books. You can begin with Bestsellers to check the Hot New Releases and present bestsellers to see the famous newly released books. But you do not have to stop there.

Most great books never show up on these lists, not due to the fact that they aren’t great but rather because they appeal to few groups of individuals. For instance, if you enjoy books on horticulture then you are probably not going to get any book in those rundowns. Hence, you should likewise research topic- specific lists.

amazon-bookstore in Seattle

As a regular hiker, checking out online bookstores list is something you should do consistently. You should make a bookmark organizer in your PC or phone browser that contains every one of the lists that you need to check out. Then, about once every week, open the organizer and scan the book lists. By doing this often, not just would you be able to discover fascinating books to read, but you have the opportunity of keeping yourself up to date with the universe of books.

Search for books that have similar relation to the book you like

Furthermore, most online bookselling stores such as Amazon has a great feature which helps you to discover other related books that you may like given the one that you like. Simply visit the online web page of your most loved book and check out for the Related Item section.

Woman Reading Book in a Bookstore

There is a great possibility that you will discover something intriguing there.

See online bookstore’s recommendations

One major feature from Amazon and all other related sites are their personalized recommendations. To take a quick look at them, sign into your own account and visit the Recommended Items web page. There you will discover books that the online bookstore supposes you may enjoy. To build the nature of the recommendations, you need to actively rate the books that you have read.


The greater the information you provide for the framework, the better it can find out about your taste and the better its book recommendations would be.

Ask somebody to recommend a nice book for you

You can also ask your siblings, father, mother, your closest companion, or even your English mentor to recommend a nice hiking book for you. Family or friends with whom you have common things together can often make great book suggestions for you. Nearby, little book shops do have great suggestions, and when they become more acquainted with you, it’s far better!

E-reader on someone's hand

You should ask individuals that like a similar kind of hiking books that they have read, in order for you to match out books that you read.

Is a Book Really Worth Reading?

Before you commit your time to read a book that looks great, it is ideal to make sure that the book is really worth reading. Here are two important ways to do that:

Take time to learn more about the book

Whenever you find a fascinating book, what you need to do is to open the book’s web page for more information on the book. Here are a few things you are required to check out in a hiking book’s page:

  • Product description:  Clearly, you have to know what the book entails. In some cases, you may discover a book with a fascinating title that does not have the necessary things that you need. In such a case, you simply need to shut the book’s web page and proceed onward.
  • Sales rank:  An online book store’s sales rank does not give the assurance that a book is worth reading, but most books with high rank sometimes do disappoint. The sales rank of a book resembles a social agreement about the quality of the book. You should always check out the rank with regards to the date of publication. A book that still has a high rank after many years of its publication is always a great book. However, a sales rank can at the same time not be a mandatory feature. If you have been hearing great things about a book, you don’t need to show a full concern about its sales rank. However, for books that you have not heard anything about it, sales rank is the best indicator to utilize.
  • Table of contents: What are the topics that the book covers? You can check them out by taking a quick look at the table of content of the book.
  • First pages: Some people do not usually check through a book’s first page, but sometimes you need to do. The first pages of a book give you a vibe of how the book is composed.


Test the book with time

A vital indication of a great hiking book is if it passes the trial of time. Suppose you get to discover a fascinating book and you are interested in reading it. Will your thirst to read such book last? Would you still be interested in reading such book after a week or even a month? If you would not, then it is presumably not a book that is worth reading.

A couple reading books on the floor

Give a book a chance to sit in your Wish List or another similar list for quite a while before choosing to study it. It helps you to sift through numerous transitory impulses. After employing this great principle, the value of the books you read will increase greatly and you get substantially much value from your reading time.

7 Great Hiking Books on the Market

Here are our top picks hiking books for all types of seasons, trails and moods:

#1 Following Atticus

Dimension: 5.3 x 0.7 x 8 inches Following Atticus by Tom Ryan

Weight: 8.6 ounces

Specific features: Author: Tom Ryan, Published by William Morrow Paperbacks, August 2012. , Unisex-adult, English, Format: Hardcover, Trim size: 9.000, Pages: 304

Best use: outdoors, hiking

Description: Following Atticus by Tom Ryan is an exceptional genuine saga of adventure, companionship, and the family unlikeliest, as one wonderful creature opens the heart eyes of a strong- as-nails pressman to the world’s magnificence and its potential outcomes. Tom Ryan chose to pay respect to a dear companion who kicked the bucket due to cancer by endeavoring to climb each of the 48 of New Hampshire’s 4000-foot crests two times in one winter day while raising cash for charity. Tom Ryan was moderately aged, heavyweight, and acrophobic

It was a lifetime adventure, driving Tom and Atticus crosswise over many miles and deep into a charming, however, risky winter magic land. In the middle of the astounding adventure was the exceptional relationship they had in common, one that obscured the line between dog and man.

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#2 A Million Steps

Dimension: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches A Million Steps by Kurt Koontz

Weight: 13.4 ounces

Specific features: Author: Kurt Koontz, Published by Kurt Koontz, August 24, 2013, English, Book length 212

Best use: Traveling, outdoors

Description: A Million Steps is Kurt Koontz’s drawing in the diary of hiking the noteworthy Camino de Santiago journey course in Spain. With cordial cleverness and kind disposition, he grasps the excellence of the wide open and blissful associations with different pioneers from around the globe, while exploring through his own history of addiction, love, and recovery.

Kurt Koontz thought that he was very much ready for his 490-mile trip by walking on the noteworthy Camino de Santiago journey course in Spain. He was strong and fit. He had good manual and all the appropriate gear.

His pilgrim passport would give him access to the safe house of lodgings en route. Be that as it may, all that, however accommodating, did not start to incorporate the glory of his internal or external experience.

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#3 AWOL on the Appalachian Trail

Dimension: 5.5 x 0.9 x 8.2 inches AWOL on the Appalachian Trail

Weight: 1.1 pounds

Specific features: Author: David Miller, Published by Mariner Books, November 1, 2011, English, Book length 352

Best use: Hiking, Travel

Best use: Traveling, outdoors

Description: AWOL on the Appalachian Trail is the account of David Miller hike along the whole 2,172 miles starting from Georgia to Maine. From page to page, readers are dealt with to rich depictions of the mountains and valleys, the reverie and isolation, the motivation that energized his mission, and the groundbreaking minutes that is only encountered when dreams are sought after.

Whether a dynamic outdoor lovers or armchair traveler, this adventure trail is profoundly suggested reading as a direct account of a mind-blowing journey traversing the whole length of the Appalachian nation.

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#4 Never Cry Wolf

Dimension: 5.5 x 0.8 x 8 inches Never Cry Wolf Amazing True Story of Life Among Arctic Wolves

Weight: 8 ounces

Specific features: Author: Farwar Morwat, Published by Back Bay Books, September 13, 2001, English, Book length: 256

Best use: Camping, Hiking

Description: Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat is a standout amongst the most splendid accounts on the magical and myth world of barbaric wolves and man’s actual place among nature’s creature. “We have bound the wolf though not due to its nature, but rather for what we purposely and erroneously see it be — the fanciful embodiment of a savage, heartless murderer — which is, in all actuality, close to the reflected picture of our self. Composed, by Farley Mowat, the writer of thirty-nine books, this is a grasping and timeless preservation exemplary.

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#5 River

Dimensions: 1.5 x 6.5 x 9.8 inches River by Colin Fletcher

Weight: 1.6 pounds

Specific features: Author: Colin Fletcher, Published by Alfred A. Knopf, April 1, 1997, English, Book length 400, Format: Hardcover

Best use: Traveling, Hiking

Description: Colin Fletcher, the author of River, adds to his life rundown of desert travels with an excursion down the Colorado River which is 1,700-mile-long. From its wellspring in the Wyoming’s Wind River Mountains to its joining with the Gulf of California, Colin Fletcher follows the Colorado in an engaging and funny travelogue. More intensely, he contemplates his own particular life’s passage, considering on lost affections, the encounters of war, the onset of maturity, and looming mortality.

Regardless of the title, different explorers have made this adventure – fans of the Colorado will know the compositions of John Powell and the Kolb siblings, among others. That in any case, Fletcher makes sharp objective facts of the zone’s geography and natural life, and of human conduct.

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#6 Wild

Dimension: 5.2 x 0.7 x 8 inches Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Weight: 5.6 ounces

Specific features: Author: Cheryl Strayed, Published by Vintage Books, March 26, 2013, English, Book length 315

Best use: Traveling, outdoors

Description: Wild by Cheryl Strayed vividly depicts the exhausting existence of the long-distance hiker, the universal risks of the PCT, and its particular group of wanderers. Some other people may discover her unsympathetic- – only one casualty of her own sketchy decisions. However, Cheryl Strayed is not interested in sympathy, and her certain exposition remains all alone, deftly maneuvering both events into a story that possesses a one of a kind riparian area between wild story and individual recovery memoir.

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#7 K2

Dimension: 5.2 x 0.9 x 8 inches K2 Life and Death on the World's Most Dangerous Mountain

Weight: 11.4 ounces

Specific features: Author: Ed Viesturs, Published by Broadway Books, August 3, 2010, English, Book length 352

Best use: Hiking, Camping

Description: K2 by Ed Viesturs is a book composed by a mountain hiker for mountain hikers. After all, the author is recounting a similar story again and again. However, that is precisely what loans the book its enchantment. Despite the fact that the greater part of the endeavors had a similar objective, each took after its own one of a kind course.

Actually, I do felt as though the author were portraying another mountain altogether. What I derived from this exceptional nonfiction piece is that K2 appeared to some way or another change its own topography to crush the “strong willed chaps” and “noblemen” who attempted to vanquish it and it succeeded much time after time.

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Wrapping it up

We hope that you really enjoy your traverse concerning the best books for hiking trip, and thus, get the books you are interested in to help you or to engage you in all the hiking trips that you are embarking on. While maps and guides might be an important reading during your hiking trip, you will likely want to have more entertainment for your adventure reads.

Two Young Women Readin In Park At Sunset

Do you have your very own picks? We do love to catch wind of some other best adventure books to read! You can leave some of them in the comments.


Kane Dane


  • You should have at least one hiking book in your hiking list essentials. With a resourceful hiking book or guide, you will be able to improve your hiking skills and learn of the best hiking places.

  • “A Million Steps” is definitely the book you should engage. Apart from inspiration, the books offer you experiences that will open your eyes to the world.


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