Best Pepper Spray: Fending Off Wild Animal Attacks

holding PEPPER SPRAY in hand
Written by Kane Dane

Pepper sprays are sometimes called mace or tear gas, but people have found it easier to refer to them as pepper sprays. The primary component of pepper spray is something known as Capsaicin, which is an extract from hot peppers.

The best pepper spray will mix it with various chemicals such as tear gas, and they sometimes include a dye, sometimes infrared and sometimes ultra violet so when you spray somebody or something it can also be easily detected with special light sensors. Some of them use actual dyes in them that can be seen with the eye without the help of sensors.

Pepper sprays are a very easy and convenient means of self defense and they are perhaps the best items you can have with you in the event of a conflict with an aggressive animal. It’s a quick, non-lethal option that allows you to have control over any aggressive situation.

Having a pepper spray with you at these times will help protect you against aggression. The best pepper spray has to have a combination of qualities and features, and all of this will be seen in the collection that will be reviewed in this article.

Product NameWeightSprays per CanisterRangeDimensionsPrice
Sabre 3-in-13.2 oz3510 ft5 x 1.5 x 9.5 inCheck price on Amazon
Fox Labs2.4 oz1817 - 20 ft4 x 1.35 inCheck price on Amazon
Police Magnum19.2 ozUnlisted18 ft5 x 1.5 inCheck price on Amazon
Mace Brand0.3 oz510 ft1 x 6 x 9 inchesCheck price on Amazon
Defense Technologies Red Band5.6 oz20 to 2510 - 12 ft5 x 1.5 x 9.5 inCheck price on Amazon
Sabre Red2.4 oz3510 ft10 x 5 x 2 inCheck price on Amazon

Features to Consider

You need to be aware of the restrictions placed on the purchase and use of pepper sprays in your location before trying to purchase or use one. It is not legal in all parts of the country to possess pepper spray.

If you are sure it is legal to own one , the pepper spray is surely going to be one of the most efficient and pocket friendly ways to protect yourself when out in the open. These are some of the most important features to look out for when picking out a pepper spray:


Pepper sprays come in different shapes and sizes, and each of them weigh differently. So you want to pick out the one that really suits your personality and the kind of activity you will be doing while carrying it.

keeping PEPPER SPRAY in pocket

For those that are going into the woods, it also depends on how much weight you are carrying, so you should go for smaller versions that are easy to pack and carry. Some are small enough to clip onto your bag or the loop of your pants.

Spray radius

This also depends on the area in which you are using it. It is generally safer to go for sprays that can cover a good distance so that you can defend yourself against your assailant without getting too close. All best pepper sprays generally have a radius between 10 to 12 feet.


This is also related to spray radius. What‘s the point of having a spray that can cover a wide distance but doesn’t focus its spray such that you can target a specific person or animal?

The best sprays will focus the sprays in a stream-like fashion, and some of them even have a foamy texture that allows you to see where you are spraying and if you are hitting your target.

paper spraying a solder in face

Upon contact with the target, it dissolves into a liquid form so that it cannot be scooped up and thrown back at you. Having a spray that targets well, also ensures that you are not spraying the general area and affecting everybody within the vicinity.


Different pepper sprays have different purposes, so they have various ingredients that work on different kinds of attackers. A pepper spray meant for humans might not have the same effect on a bear or other wild animal. Read the product label to ensure that you’re getting something effective.

Mode of Carry

When it comes to pepper sprays, companies try to make them as convenient as possible, and that means varying sizes and safety mechanisms. This is just a matter of personal preference, as the majority of them are designed to be quite small.

different types of pepper spray

If you want to always have your pepper spray on hand, then you might choose a variation that is easy to clip onto a key chain. If you’re more worried about having enough pepper spray with you, however, you might want to go for one of the bigger canisters that can fit in a backpack.


You want to be very careful and make sure you understand the mechanisms of the spray you are using so as to avoid spraying and having it blow back in your face or accidentally spraying your friend in the face. You should never leave it in your car in the summer time.

pepper spray details and mechanizams

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There are various accounts of these pepper spray canisters blowing up in glove compartments and other hot areas. You must be careful about the temperature of the place you have them stored. Be sure that the laws of your area of residence or exploration make it legal to possess a pepper spray.

Top Product Reviews

Now that we’ve discussed the important features to look for in a pepper spray, here are some of the most popular products that consumers trust their safety.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, but it should be used as a guide to help you figure out exactly what you should be looking for.

Sabre 3-in-1 Pepper Spray

sabre 3in1 pepper spray

Price: Approx. $10

Weight: 3.2 oz

Dimensions: 5 x 1.5 x 9.5 in

Sprays per canister: 35

Specific features: Advanced 3 in 1 design, equipped with pocket clip, uv marking dye for identification and tagging, hplc guarantee, maximum stopping power with its red pepper, tear gas and uv dye combo, powerful stream delivery to withstand wind blow back.

Best use: Defense against humans or animals

Description: The Sabre 3-in-1 Pepper Spray is a product of one of the leading makers in the market. It is designed to be small but potent, and with its compact and easy-to-reach design, you can easily clip it to your belt with the easy access clip that comes with it.

Despite the small size, this pepper spray has enough juice for 35 sprays and each spray can reach a distance of 10 feet while withstanding wind blow back.

This pepper spray is one of the most reliable ones you can get your hands on. With the advancements made by their in house high liquid performance liquid chromatography laboratory, they have successfully eliminated about one third the heat failure rate that you will experience with other brands. So this spray will not fail you even in the event of heat inconsistencies.

Affordable and powerful, this pepper spray offers many shots, maximum protection, and all from a distance of 10 feet or less!


  • Comes in multi packs
  • Affordable
  • Powerful


  • 10 foot distance max
  • Has an expiration date

Related: If you feel like pepper spray may not be enough, you can always add a stun gun to your gear list. One like the VIPERTEK VTS-989 Heavy Duty Stun Gun is powerful and rechargeable!

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Fox Labs Pepper Spray

Fox Labs 1.5 Ounce 2% OC 5.3-mm Flip Top

Price: Approx. $20

Weight: 2.4 ounces

Dimensions:  4 x 1.35 inches

Sprays per canister: 18 sprays per canister

Specific features: Heavy stream pattern with excellent range, flip top that prevents accidental discharges, easy to target spray.

Best use: Humans and animals

Description: The Fox Labs Pepper Spray is quickly becoming a top choice among pepper sprays with its safety flip top feature that prevents accidental discharge and its very long range. These two features combined make it one of the leading brands out there. It is also easy to use as you simply put your finger or thumb under the top to open, and then press on the button for a powerful blast of pepper spray.

The stream of spray is very effective and you can hit your target without worry of it blowing back in your face. It is also easy to aim and you don’t even have to hit the face of the attacker directly for it to work. This spray will repel all attackers quite easily.

The spray is also reported to be highly effective as people who have tested this spray on their face have reported feeling like their faces are going to melt off.

They also reported not being able to open their eyes fully for over 30 minutes, and it took almost two hours for their vision to completely clear up. So this will be very effective on your outdoor trips and will work on any attacker, be it man or animal.


  • Prevents discharge on accident
  • Highly effective on people and animals


  • For those who are sprayed, it can take hours to feel better
  • More expensive than others

Related: For those who want to attach their pepper spray to their belt or hip, you can purchase a holster, such as the NW Self Defense Holster.

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Police Magnum Pepper Spray

police magnum pepper spray

Price: Approx. $10

Weight: 3 oz

Dimensions: 5 x 1.5 iches

Sprays per canister: Unlisted

Specific features: 17 percent oleoresin capsicum solution, nontoxic and non-flammable solution, ultraviolet identifying dye for tagging and identification, safety top to prevent accidental discharge.

Best use: Humans and animals

Description: The Police Magnum Pepper Spray with UV dye comes with one of the most powerful concentrations of pepper spray that the law will allow. The spray is easy to use and can be operated with a single hand delivering multiple blasts of pepper solution.

The product can be shipped in a pack of two or four depending upon your preference and what suits you. Every unit comes with a UV dye that can be used for tagging and identification.

The effects of this spray are instant burning skin, coughing, watery eyes, running nose and even difficulty breathing. However, there are no permanent injuries associated with it, so it is very helpful in fending off animal and human attackers.

The spray is rated OC-17 and contains an Oleoresin Capsicum solution that is nontoxic and nonflammable. Even though the OC solution is not as powerful as some other form of solutions, this product is still a must have for self-defense purposes.

This is because OC solution provides a more targeted spray which can disable singular targets without affecting everybody within that vicinity. When you spray an OC solution, the effect on you is very minimal, so you still have the ability to run away or do whatever is necessary to be done at that moment when your attacker is disoriented.

As an added layer of safety, the spray bottle comes equipped with a specially made top that that helps prevent accidental discharge. It also comes with a UV dye in the solution that helps for tagging and identification. When the spray comes in contact with skin, it can be seen with special light sensors and this helps in identification.


  • UV dye for identifying the person who was sprayed
  • Gives off multiple blasts


  • Does not last long

Related: If you would like to buy this item in bulk, you can find a 6 pack made from the same brand, like 6 Police Magnum Pepper Spray .

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Mace Brand Pepper Spray

Mace Brand Pepper Spray

Price: Approx. $10

Weight: 0.3 oz

Dimensions: 1 x 6 x 9 inches

Sprays per canister: 5

Specific features: OC solution with uv dye, very small and easy to carry, excellent range, oc solution makes it easy to target, stylish design.

Best use: Protection against humans and animals

Description: The Mace Brand Pepper Spray was designed with mobility and convenience as a priority. With its stylish design and cosmetic case, it is very safe to carry around in your purse or pockets when going around in the woods or in public.

If you need protection against animal and human attackers at all times, this spray will be very convenient to carry around. It also comes with a key holder with which you can attach it to your belt or bag.

One of the highlights of this design is the tab that goes over the trigger. This ensures that you can only flip open the spray in a specific way and attack your opponent only. It is practically impossible for you to spray yourself in the face with this ingenious trigger mechanism.

This is like a built in safety mechanism that prevents you from spraying yourself when you are in panic mode.

The size and portability of this spray, have made it an excellent choice for runners, women, and children, to carry around out in the open for protection.


  • Comes in various models
  • Gives off about 20 bursts that lasts 2 to 3 seconds


  • Only 10% OC formula
  • Key ring is not solid

Related: This pepper spray is pink, and you can purchase a pink stun gun to go along with it, such as one like #1 Ranked Ladies Back To School Stun Gun.

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Defense Technologies Red Band Pepper Spray

Defense Technologies First Defense

Price: Approx. $20

Weight: 5.6 oz

Dimensions: 5 x 1.5 x 9.5 in

Sprays per canister20 to 25

Specific features: Nonflammable edw safe formulation with extra intensity, excellent range and several bursts, stream delivery system with excellent targeting.

Best use: Against humans and animals

Description: The Defense Technologies Red Band Pepper Spray is one of the most popular and widely used sprays and it has quickly become a favorite. One feature worthy of mention here is that with this spray, defense technologies have made an OC level of intensity that varies from 0.2 percent Major Capsaicinoids to 1.3 percent MC.

These variations make it possible for the user to select and control the level of intensity that best suits whatever environment he is in.

It is easy to use and the flip top works seamlessly which allows you to deploy it in seconds. You also get a very good range with the spray and several burst enough to last you for a very long time. These features are the things that have made this spray a favorite among the users.

While a little pricier than some, this spray works well.


  • Nonflammable
  • Several sprays in the canister


  • Pricier than some
  • Only sprays about 10 to 12 feet

Related: You can purchase a pouch that will hold on to your pepper spray, such as the Condor Tactical OC Pouch.

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Sabre Red Pepper Spray

sabre red pepper gel

Price: Approx. $14

Weight: 2.4 oz

Dimensions: 10 x 5 x 2 in

Sprays per canister: 35

Specific features: UV marking dye for tagging and identification, 4-year shelf life, adjustable hand strap for easy accessibility, excellent range and several bursts per canister, powerful stream that withstands wind blow back, easy to target, exclusive HPLC Guarantee.

Best use: Against humans and animals

Description: The Sabre Red Pepper Spray is built to fit perfectly in your hands and to deploy at a moment’s notice when running or walking. With its adjustable hand straps, you can have protection on your fingertips at all times, and is a very practical protection for in areas where you expect aggressors.

With its powerful stream, you don’t have to worry about blow back as a result of the wind and you can target directly at an opponent as much as 10 feet away from you.

Offering 35 bursts per canister, this spray will be with you for a very long time and it doesn’t go bad until after 4 years, so you have enough time to make proper use of it if needed.

This spray does very well against its counterparts and it has quickly become a very reliable and opted to spray. It is rated as one of the hottest available with more than 1.33 percent Major Capsaicinoids.

Since OC and Raw pepper metrics don’t give the true hotness indication, Sabre rates highest on the major Capsaicinoids and it is very reliable.

This spray has made its way to become one of the most popular and widely used products among police officers and law enforcement agencies, joggers and outdoor enthusiasts mostly in the USA. One neat bonus of purchasing this spray is that it helps raise money for breast cancer research with the National Breast Cancer Foundation.


  • Several sprays per canister
  • Powerful stream


  • Defective ones may sputter
  • Some have low pressure if defective

Related: If you like this brand, you can find a SABRE Red Pepper Gel Kit, that has a practice gel and gives up to 25 bursts.

Check the price on Amazon

Concluding Thoughts

All of the pepper sprays that have been reviewed above all can serve a purpose and you only have to select the one that best suits you. If you want portability over longevity you can select the smaller,  more portable ones, with fewer bursts per canister.

two types of pepper spray

If you’re going to be using one spray multiple times and you don’t mind the extra weight, you should go for the ones with several more bursts. You also want to look out for sprays that have the accidental discharge prevention feature, and those that can withstand blow-backs as a result of wind resistance.

All of these important features are obtainable in the brands that have been mentioned above and you can’t go wrong if you choose any of them.

Have any products you’d like to share with us? Please leave a comment down below and share your stories with us.


Kane Dane


  • When I saw the pink Mace Brand Pepper Spray, I knew I had to get it for my wife. But the color is not the main reason I bought it. Its flip top makes it fast and easy to trigger and the directional handle ensure that you cannot accidentally spray yourself.

  • It is attractive and for those who want more than the average pepper spray, then this is the right choice. You’re right, though, the primary come-on of this brand is its safety mechanism. There are a lot of incidents involving accidental spraying and hopefully, the Mace Brand will be able to address this.

  • When we are out camping, everyone must, at all times, move with their pepper spray. You knew know when a wild animal might attack you. We chose the SABRE 3-IN-1 Pepper Spray because of its glorious reviews on amazon. Even when we are home, I insisted our girls always have their spray on them – we live in very unsafe times.

  • That’s sad but true. It’s an urban jungle out there so chances are, it will work. The Sabre 3-in-1 pepper spray your best bet when you want a product that you can trust.


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